Chapter 5

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"Matt, this is the girl I was telling you about yesterday," Rodney says, nudging him with his elbow.

"You trained with TJ? Bullshit." Matt says, turning to look at me like I just told him I backed into his car. Why I would lie about that is beyond me, but no one calls me a liar and gets away with it.

I pull my phone out and open TJ's Instagram; I know he posted a picture of us my last session before I moved. I click on the picture before flipping my phone around to Rodney and Matt. "Yup, definitely bullshit, you caught me."

"Matt, stop being such a dick and go get Chris. Someone who trained with TJ Dillashaw deserves a great trainer." Rodney pushes Matt from where he is leaning against the front desk and gives him a look.

Matt gives Rodney a look of disgust and practically yells "You think Chris is a great trainer? You want to impress her so she tells Dillashaw and you decide Chris is the perfect person for the job?! Are you fucking stupid?"

"Matt, go." Rodney practically whispers but his death grip on the counter says he is about to wring his neck. Matt doesn't respond but storms away still beet red. "I am sorry for him."

"It's ok," I assure Rodney.

"It's really not, he pulls another stunt like that, I don't care how good he is, he is out of here." Rodney is still fuming from Matt, much like I was not too long ago.

"Honestly don't worry about it, I already learned in class today that Matt is just a difficult person all the time." Before Rodney can respond another guy not much older than me walks over to us. He is tall, not as tall as Matt, but tall. He has light brownish hair and brown eyes. He is wearing Nike joggers with a black pair of Air Force 1s and a branded red "LI MMA Gym" shirt.

"Hi Sydney, I'm Chris, one of your potential trainer options!" Chris sticks out his hand for me to shake, which I do, already loving how loud and excited he is.

"If today works out, you will be her trainer Chris. Matt and her won't work out, I am not even gonna waste her time," Rodney replies before walking back into the office and slamming the door.

"I'm guessing the door slam is also the same reason Matt is in the gym brutally beating the crap out of a heavy bag?" Chris asks, still staring at the door Rodney just slammed.

"Yup" I say popping the 'P'. "I am going to change, I'll meet you in the gym?"

"Perfect!" Chris replies leaving me to go changed in the locker room. I slowly change trying to relax and clear my head of all things Matt. I want to enjoy my session with Chris, I will not let Matt ruin the thing I love.

After changing and breathing a little, I finally walked out and met Chris. Thankfully Matt isn't in the gym anymore so we walk over to the ring and sit down in the middle. "I want to get to know you a little before we begin so why don't you start stretching while we talk and then we will get started!"

"Ok," I say, pulling my arm across my chest, starting to stretch and making sure I stretch each part of my body for at least 30 seconds to avoid injury.

"Just basics for starters, age, previous gym and trainers, how you got into MMA, and anything else you think I should know..." Chris rattles off pulling his knees up to his chest and crossing his ankles.

"Well I am 16, my previous gym was Heavy Hitters in D.C., my previous trainer was TJ Dillawshaw, I got into MMA around 6 after my dad took me to a UFC fight with my brother, anddd my original background is in karate and I am most dominant when I fight on the floor because I have short arms." I mentally kick myself for mentioning I have a brother and pray Chris doesn't ask about him.

"Interesting, well I'd love if we could get you more comfortable fighting off the floor and maybe try and get that short reach to work for you." I let out a sigh of relief that he doesn't mention the brother part.

"That sounds perfect actually, TJ was always trying to work on that with me but I was really stubborn, I just love the floor." Chris reaches his hand out to help me up and grabs some boxing mitts.

"Cool, I want to spend the rest of today's session seeing your technique and how you fight so I know what type of training we should begin with." We begin with basic hits and kicks and then move on to some more advanced stuff. We end our session with a short sparring match between me and another girl who is working out.

"Thank you so much Chris," I say, still laying on the floor panting.

"Sydney. Actually do you prefer Syd?" Chris asks, handing me my water.

"Syd is fine," I tell him before chugging my water and dropping back onto the floor.

"Ok Syd, you did amazing today, you're definitely one of the best in the gym already and you still have so much potential." I could nearly cry from Chris' kind words. I've worked so hard for so long, it is really nice to have someone see that hard work.

"Thank you, what is your schedule like? I'd definitely like to train a few days a week and then work out most other days." I start cleaning up my stuff as Chris pulls out his phone to check his availability.

"I can do sessions 3-4 every Tuesday and Thursday and then 9-11 every other Saturday starting next weekend." He says as we begin walking to the front together. "I can also help you set up a workout routine for the days we aren't training that will pair nicely with what we are doing."

"That would be great, again, thank you so much Chris." I continue to thank him but honestly I am so excited after how well today's session went.

"How'd everything go?" Rodney asks, hanging up the phone at the front desk and turning to us.

"Amazing, I definitely want a membership." Rodney smiles and pulls some paperwork out from a drawer.

"Hey, my next session is here but I will see you Thursday 3pm ok, Syd?" I nod while signing papers and wave bye to Chris.

As I finish up the papers I remember I left my headphones upstairs yesterday. "Hey Rodney did anyone happen to find headphones yesterday? They're pink beats."

"Not that I know of, but I'd definitely go look upstairs; they're probably still there." He says while taking my papers to file.

"Awesome, thank you! Also just an FYI you're severely undercharging you could easily get $100 a month here probably more. $65 a month is way too low for all the stuff this place offers." I paid almost $200 at my last place and even though most people wouldn't tell people they are undercharging I really like Rodney and want to see him make what he deserves.

I head upstairs to find my headphones, praying they are there. Thankfully when I get upstairs they're sitting on a window sill right by the treadmill I was on. I must have put them there to wipe the treadmill down and forgot them.

Just as I am heading down the stairs Matt turns the corner and starts coming up them. "Good session?" Matt asks, stunning me and almost results in me tumbling down the stairs.

"Ummm yeah, Chris is um yeah he's um great," I stutter, still shocked he didn't totally ignore my existence or make a rude remark.

"He's not that good, there are better people here that could train you better." And there it is.

"Oh like you?" I ask knowing it will push his buttons.

"Not just me but yes I would be on the list that's for sure." I nod but don't answer, instead walking down the stairs and leaving the gym.

Before I pull out of the parking lot, I text Julia for a "movie night" update. She begs me to join them at her house which I agree to, after I shower and change at home; because nothing screams thrilling Tuesday night like being the third wheel to your cousin and the guy she wants to bang on the kitchen table. Which the more that I think about it, the more that could mean two things, depending on her mood. 

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