Chapter 12

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"So let me get this straight, he laughed? He has the ability to laugh?" It is lunch and the entire group is still grilling me about Matt. If only they knew I slept at his house they would go insane.

When he left our lockers this morning, Julia texted everyone else to tell them what she witnessed. This resulted in everyone running to us and asking a million questions. We have study hall instead of gym today so I promised to tell them the whole story then. This, thankfully, gave me enough time to make up a fake story and text it to Matt, so he didn't fuck it up, incase Julia got bold and asked him about it.

I ended up telling them that Matt's parents don't know about the MMA stuff, so when he cut his head open Saturday he couldn't call them to come get him, I ended up driving him home and when they asked what happened I lied for him. Then I left after meeting his parents. They're still asking me a million questions but mostly about his parents and if they're nice. I was honest minus a few little things. But this has been going on for over an hour now and I am sick of it. The more they all talk about him the more this morning's dream replays in my head.

"Guys, can we just drop it? Matt only tolerates me because his boss and I get along. His boss really wants to meet my old trainer and I am pretty sure Rodney would kick Matt's ass if he ruined his chance to meet TJ." I say, quickly checking how many minutes are left before lunch is over. 10 more minutes and then it is freedom.

"Fine. Let's talk about you two." Amanda says switching her focus to Julia and Kyle. I sigh, relieved the attention is off me and laugh as they both try to dodge all of Amanda and Tyler's super intrusive questions.

When the bell rings, Tyler tells me he needs to go drop something in his locker and he will meet me in history. I walk in and take my usual seat, texting Sasha that we have to talk tonight so I can update her. I am not sure how much I will tell her about Matt, but she is my best friend so I have to keep her somewhat updated.

"Barbie, you lie a lot." Matt says as he takes his original seat next to me from the first day. I roll my eyes but turn to face him. I notice the entire room get a little quieter and people begin to watch us.

"What can I say, you bring out the worst in me, Satan." He laughs and uses his two pointer fingers to give himself devil horns.

"It's all good, my friends all wanted to know why I ditched them Saturday night, since usually I come around after fights, so I ended up stealing your story." I mentally groan as Tyler walks in watching me talk to Matt. Seconds later my phone vibrates but I don't need to flip it over to know it is Tyler updating the group chat.

Mrs. Johnson walks into the room and immediately looks at Matt back in his old seat. "Mr. Dean, your new seat will not be an interruption will it?"

"No ma'am, Barbie and I settled our differences, she showed me why I shouldn't mess with her." He replies while pointing to the cut on his head. I try not to laugh but the look on our teachers face is priceless.

"Very well. Hello class, I want to begin by telling you that you will have a quiz tomorrow that will be 15 multiple choice questions based off what we did in class so far and the homework." The class moans and quietly complains before settling down for the remainder of class.

When class ends I begin my walk to Art History. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Matt. "Yeah?"

"I don't usually study with people, because my friends are stupid as fuck, but her quizzes are suppose to be like super hard, so want to study together?" Matt looks a little awkward, rubbing his neck the entire time he asks me.

"Yeah totally, we can work out the when and where in Home Ec, cool?" He nods and quickly walks off without replying. Okayyy. I go to class and ignore everyone hounding me for two periods about Matt switching his seat again.

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