Chapter 4

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After using some moves only someone who really doesn't want to be seen could pull off, I make it out of the gym. Thank God Matt didn't see me watching him. I hope I don't see him there often, it would really kill my mood.

Getting home, I quickly shower and do my hair for the next day. Once done, I tackle the mess that is my room, picking out an outfit for tomorrow while I am at it. I decide on some jean shorts, my white Tommy Hilfiger shirt, and my Gucci belt.

By the time I am done my mom calls me down for dinner. I help her clean up before kissing both my parents good night and heading to my room to FaceTime Sasha. We talk for almost 2 hours about both of our first days. I tell her about my day and she tells me about hers. I try not to get annoyed when she tells me about how her and Ally now ride to school together and eat lunch together and walk to class together. I know it's unfair to expect Sasha to not do the things we used to do together with our other friends, but it still hurts. I know she probably feels the same way, as I tell her all about Julia, Amanda, Kyle, and Tyler.

Once I get off FaceTime I decide to just go to bed. It's only 9:30, but considering how little sleep I have been getting due to my nightmares, I decide to call it a night early.

My alarm wakes me up from a surprisingly restful and dreamless sleep at 5:30am but I snooze till 6am. I still end up having plenty of time to get ready though and end up getting to school with Julia at a few minutes before 7am, which gives us about 20 minutes before 1st period to hang out with everyone by our lockers. Luckily my morning consists of not a single Matt sighting.

The rest of my morning goes pretty smoothly and I am much more relaxed, until my walk to 6th period US History. Tyler notices that I have suddenly become tense thinking about sitting next to Matt for a whole period and offers to switch seats with me. But when we walk into class Matt is already seated in the back of the room about as far from me as you can get. The rest of the day carries on like my morning, uneventful, but walking to Home Ec I know I can't avoid Matt.

I walk in and nearly turn around and sprint out when I see Matt already seated at our table. Tyler and Kyle all but carry me over to the table before I can escape. Matt has his hood up with his head down, not looking up at all when I sit down. For a minute I think he is asleep until the teacher asks us all to settle down and he lifts his head up removing his headphones from his ears. His curly dark hair is sticking out of his hood just a little and I notice a scar on his left temple.

Our teacher explains our first project and I listen closely, already planning in my head what our group should do. Each group of 4 was assigned a country that we had to research a local dish from and make. It also requires a written paper about the dish and a PowerPoint presentation.

We were assigned Greece and I automatically think of the amazing Baklava I had when I was there for spring break. As soon as we are dismissed to begin working, I run to Kyle and Julia and tell them my plan. They're both on board, so we start researching the dish.

Eventually Matt joins us after our teacher walks over and threatens him with a bad grade if he doesn't help. He sits quietly, kinda just watching us all. I sigh knowing no one else is going to talk to him, making it my job. "We decided to do Baklava for our dish."

"Ok" is all he says in reply. I don't even know what to say to that. Thankfully Kyle saves the day.

"Yo cuzzos I can't cook for shit!" he says while looking at the recipe.

"Good thing it's a dessert you bake." Julia shoots back at him with a sassy attitude. This immediately launches them into a fight about the difference between cooking and baking.

I awkwardly turn to Matt about to ask him if he'd want to present the dish with Kyle if Julia and I handle all the baking, but he speaks first. "I don't want to work with you as much as you don't want to work with me, so can we just do this as quickly as possible with as little interaction as possible?"

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