Chapter 25

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At around 6:30pm, we decide to have dinner after feeding Conor and getting him to fall asleep, we think? It is really hard to tell since the eyes don't close, but he isn't making noise so we hope he is asleep.

"Alright pick something, then I will go though Nick's handy dandy instruction book on how to heat it up." I look at the book full of laminated pages and laugh. My parents left me with a pizza in the fridge while Matt's left him ready for the next world war. I can't decide between lasagna or chicken cutlets so Matt heats up both while I set the table for us.

"When is your birthday?" I ask Matt out of the blue. There are so many things I still don't know about him, what better time to ask than now? He brings over the two trays of food and sets them on the table as I move Conor to sit in his car seat on the table so we can keep an eye on him.

"November 27th, it happens to be the day after Thanksgiving this year, when is yours?" I write it down in my phone so I don't forget it while Matt serves us.

"April 9th. First relationship?" I begin eating, trying to act like it was just a casual question, but my leg is bouncing a mile a minute under the table anxiously awaiting his answer.

"My hand in like the 6th grade? But none, I am not the dating type because besides you, every girl at our school is either annoying, boring, or dumb, or some combination of those. Also, no one really gets how busy I am during wrestling, like I can't see you all the time or even most of the time and most girls aren't trying to see their boyfriend just for a few hours once a week. You?" I nod a little relieved at his answer. So I guess there isn't some mystery girl out there, good to know.

"His name was Andre and he was a senator's son. We were in 8th grade and the day before the last football game of the season he asked me to wear his jersey so I said yes because I liked him. The other girls were so jealous. I think the final count was 11 of us had a crush on Andre. Anyways, I wore it and someone at lunch asked if we were dating and he was like 'Duh she's my girlfriend, she is wearing my jersey isn't she' and that was it. We dated until his dad lost the re-election and they left D.C., so a little over a year." Matt nods and pushes his food around on his plate. I look down at my plate not knowing what to say.

"Did you love him? Or Brock?" The question catches me off guard. I mean in the moment I swore I loved them, that they were the one, but looking back did I really love either of them? Maybe?

"Maybe?" I say not really knowing what else to say. Matt looks at me and tilts his head, not really getting what maybe means. "I mean, in the moment I thought I did but it is easy to get swept up in the moments, you know? I guess I did with Andre enough to lose my virginity to him, but then again when we broke up I wasn't that devastated. Same with Brock, like I wasn't that upset, bitter he egged my house yes, but I didn't have that movie moment where I cried in bed feeling lost. Can I get back to you on that one?" Matt nods and we eat the rest of dinner in silence.

After dinner he does the dishes and I try to help but I don't really know where anything goes. "For the fifth time, that doesn't go in there stupid," Matt laughs before taking the little sprayer and shooting me with water. I yell and duck behind the island.

"Matt you're getting me wet, stop," I yell looking down at my wet white shirt that is now slightly see through. God bless whoever decided I should wear a cute bra this morning otherwise I would be mortified.

"I get a lot of girls wet, but usually they are begging me not to stop." I can hear the smirk he has on his face. That cocky attitude that loves to remind me he may not be the relationship type but he has plenty of fun, that is for sure. I roll my eyes before standing up and walking upstairs.

"Whatever, I am taking a shower, enjoy those dishes!" I grab my stuff and walk into the bathroom in the hall. I brought my own towels because I am really picky about them. It is one of those things I am weird about, but everyone has a thing.

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