Chapter 14

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When my alarm goes off the next morning, I am already awake, staring at the ceiling blankly. If I slept an hour last night it would be a miracle. I am pretty sure I spent more time tossing and turning than anything else. How after just a week of knowing him Matt has this type of affect on me is terrifying. I spent a lot of time awake during the night trying to convince myself I am upset because I ruined my dad's new football bromance, but I eventually gave up lying to myself. I like hanging out with Matt and I like being his friend, I need to fix this.

I skip taking a shower and pull on a pair of black sweatpants, a sports bra, and a long sleeve shirt that I tuck into the sweats. I am way too tired to put effort into my appearance. As I head downstairs I contemplate canceling my training with Chris but decide that working out might be a good way to clear my head.

"Is everything ok, sweetheart?" My mom asks, hugging me tightly and kissing the top of my head. I snuggle into her enjoying the moment. I feel like I haven't seen a lot of my mom lately, her new job as a translator has kept her very busy.

"I am ok mom, I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." I grab my breakfast that Dad left on the table for me and pick at it, not really in the mood to eat.

"Was it... you know a..." I know she's asking if it was a nightmare. I know they worry her and she tries to comfort me as best as she can when I have them but I don't tell her about all of them. If she knew just how frequent they were it would just give her more stress than she needs right now.

"No mom it wasn't, just couldn't get comfortable is all." She nods and doesn't push further. She clearly doesn't believe me but she also knows that when I am ready I will talk and pushing me won't do anything to make me open up quicker.

I finish my breakfast and head to my car. I pick up Julia and I can feel her looking at me the entire drive. She doesn't say anything but I know she is also worried. God, I probably should have fixed myself up a little better based on my mom and her reactions to seeing me.

When we get to our lockers she finally breaks her silence. "Dream or him?" Is all she says as she opens her locker.

I sigh deeply and debate if I should tell her about the fight, I mean she already knows he was over last night so why now. "Him," I reply quietly.

"We will talk during lunch, we can go to the bathroom and talk alone." She hugs me and continues with her morning routine. I am thankful she doesn't ask more in the crowded hallway. The last thing I need is more people talking about me and Matt, I already know people were making comments yesterday when he moved back to his seat in history.

"Morning my girls," Kyle says, kissing the tops of both our heads before shoving a coffee into each of our hands. "I heard you were in need of a morning pick me up, enjoy."

"Thank you," I reply while hugging Kyle. I go about my morning trying to focus on school and my friends instead of what happened yesterday.

When lunch finally rolls around, I drop my stuff off with Julia before we both head to the bathroom. We pick the one in the music wing that is usually empty. As we suspected, it is empty when we walk in so we are free to talk.

"So, what happened?" She asks hopping up onto the window sill and crossing her legs, waiting for the story.

"We got into it." I walk over to one of the sinks and look at myself in the mirror, wow I do look like hell. I should try and fix myself a little while we are here.

"Not surprised, Matt is always an asshole, but what about?" I have an urge to defend Matt when she calls him an asshole, but I fight it. He can be an asshole but he isn't usually, well not with me at least.

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