Chapter 35

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Matt's P.O.V.

"Tom, do you hear that!? Our little Mattie boy is growing up!" Lily yells as she points to where we should move the couch.

"Bitch aren't you supposed to be at college?" I fire back as she continues to tease me. I didn't realize she was home so when I walked in I thought only Tom was going to hear me yell how I ate out Sydney in the shower last night. I have a lot of regret about that now.

"She got kicked out," Tom says with a straight face. I drop my side of the couch and turn to her, ready to tease her.

"Shut up no I didn't, I came home for the weekend because my school is lame and I knew this party would be so much better." I roll my eyes and continue to help move the couch. Honestly Lil isn't even that smart, I wonder how much their parents paid to get her into that school?

We continue to set up for the party and I realize I am excited for the party to start. I always come to Tom's parties but usually I pregame with him, hate the entire party, and then sleep with someone I regret. Instead, now I am anxiously checking the clock wondering why time is moving so slow.

When we finish the three of us gather in the kitchen. Lily makes us each a Long Island Iced Teas which became our go to pregame drink two summers ago. I play with the handcuffs hanging from my belt loop, wondering what Sydney is wearing. I am sure she is going to look so good like she always does but that doesn't curb my curiosity.

Tom sits next to me and bumps my shoulder, I look at him realizing I spaced out. "You really fell for her hard." I look down at my cup nodding. The panic creeps in when I think about how fast and hard I fell. Years of keeping everyone out and in less than 2 months I gave this girl the power to break my heart. "Hey, relax. You said she was worth it so don't run away now."

"She is gonna break my heart isn't she?" I ask him but already know the answer. We are 16 and yeah, right now things are great, but what about next month when I am in the thick of wrestling season and only get to see her in class. Or the next year if we have no classes together? Even if we go to Penn State together in two years, it is a big school with a lot of people who have so much more to offer than I do.

"Maybe, but even if she does you'll always have the memories." He throws his arm around my shoulder but his words don't eliminate the crushing weight on my chest. I throw back the rest of my drink and grab a beer, drinking it quickly.

Lily walks in with some guy and instantly Tom and I go full protective brother. "Who's the bitch?" I ask, sizing up the guy standing slightly behind her.

"Greg, my little brother Tom and my add on little brother Matt, who seems to forget he doesn't actually live here." She flips us off, so Greg can't see, but we ignore her staring him down as he fidgets under our watch.

"Hey guys," he says, putting his hand on Lil's back. We both look at his hand then back up at him and he awkwardly pulls it away.

"Matt, I am still so uncomfortable that you decided to be a cop for Halloween. I always thought you'd be arrested, not doing the arresting." I look at her like she is crazy. I have never once been even close to being arrested! I value my life and my dad would happily end it if I got arrested.

"Lil, shut up and go get plowed upstairs by Garratt before I get bored and break your toothpick boy toy in half." Greg looks at me, eyes bulging out of his head. He won't last long around the three of us if that is going to get him all riled up.

"He hits it better than you," she winks, coming over and kissing me on the cheek along with Tom before grabbing Greg's hand and disappearing to her room. They are barely out of the kitchen when Tom and I start laughing, making fun of the poor guy who clearly had no idea what he was walking into.

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