Chapter 73

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There is no such thing as the perfect moment, this is a lesson I learned the hard way. You wait and you wait for the perfect moment and it never comes, then one day you step back and you realize you missed the opportunity completely because you waited too long. Life isn't perfect and if you wait for that rare, highly sought-after perfect moment, most of the time you will never get your chance. If you want to tell someone you love them, do it. Do it while laying in bed looking like a hot mess, who cares. You want to marry someone? Do it. Kiss them? Do it. Get a new job, switch majors, get a new hobby? For the love of God just do it! If you learned nothing else from me I hope I can teach you two things: one, always pee after sex, and two, just fucking do it! Ok, I might have stolen that second one from Nike but still the idea still stands. 

As I regain consciousness my head is still spinning and someone is holding me. I crack my eyes open assuming it is Matt but instead I am met with a pair of eyes I was positive I would never see again. "Oh thank God, you're awake. How is my baby sister?"

"Aaron," I croak out wondering if this is real or just a side effect of being drugged.

"Right here Sydney, you're ok." The shock of seeing Aaron finally wears off and I shoot up pulling him into a hug.

"You're alive!" I half scream, half sob as I cling to my big brother. "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" I pull back and examine him as I fire off more questions. He looks clean, well-fed, has all his fingers, and it looks like he has shaved and has gotten a haircut recently. Even his clothing is a clean pair of joggers and a new t-shirt. Far from the torture I thought he was facing and the horrible state he was in in that picture not that long ago.

"I am ok. I mean I was pretty bloody that first day but they sent in a doctor to fix me up, and I have a shower and clothing and everything I could need. Honestly being kidnapped wasn't all that bad if I am being honest." He smiles and points to the bed in the corner and the small door that must be the bathroom. "Enough about me, you were just drugged, how do you feel?" he asks, going right back to overprotective brother mode like he hasn't been gone for nearly 10 months.

"I still feel a little fuzzy and my body feels heavy but I am ok," I assure him. Things are still out of focus and my limbs feel like they are weighed down, but I could be so much worse.

"Thank God, when they put you both in he-"

"Matt!" I yell looking around the room. The events are still fuzzy and waking up to Aaron distracted me instead of me trying to piece together how I got here. I notice him laying on the ground a little ways across the room and frantically crawl over to him.

"You know him?" Aaron asks as he follows me looking confused.

When I reach Matt I automatically sigh in relief, noticing his chest rising and falling steadily. I pick his head up and move it into my lap, gently rubbing my hand over his cheek. "Matt wake up. Matt, please wake up," I beg while Aaron walks over to the little mini fridge, wait a mini fridge? Is he being held hostage or on a really shitty vacation, what the fuck?

Aaron comes back with two waters and hands me one, "Put the cold bottle on his face, it might help." I put the cold bottle against Matt's forehead, playing with the hair on the back of his head with my other hand. "Who is he?" Aaron asks sitting next to me just watching.

"He is m-," before I can finish Matt stirs in my lap and I turn my full attention back to him. The second his hazel eyes open and look into mine I am overcome with so many emotions. "Hi," I whisper, the tears streaming down my face with no signs of stopping.

"Hey Barbie," he replies softly pulling my face down to his. The second my lips hit his everything around us disappears. Matt pushes me back so he can sit up and pulls me onto his lap while my arms find their normal spot around his neck. My tongue runs along his bottom lip and he opens his mouth without a fight.

Fighting Handsome Satan (book 1) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora