Chapter 72

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Prom last night was amazing and I smile to myself as I replay the entire day again in my head. It started with breakfast with my parents. We went to this cute little diner and ate breakfast together as a family, which is something I felt like we hadn't done in forever. My dad was a little emotional as my mom and I talked about what I was doing with hair and makeup. He probably reminded me 40 times that I will always be his little girl. I tried to give my parents some extra love because I knew, like I was, they were thinking about all of us last year getting Aaron ready for his Junior Prom and how his Senior Prom and graduation should be coming up.

After breakfast I dropped my dress off at Matt's along with Amanda and Julia's so we could get dressed there right before pictures. Celia was frantic trying to make sure everything was ready for pictures and I tried to calm her down but to no avail. Nick pulled me away, warning me that there is no calming her down when she is like this and told me it is better to just stay away and let her go nuts. I spent a little time with Matt before I had to go, he just got another hair cut before I came over and he looked even hotter than he normally does.

After leaving Matt's I picked up Julia and Amanda and we got our hair and make up done. I did a really fun makeup look with black shimmery eyeshadow and neutral lips. My hair was up in the back in a messy bun with a few pieces out in the front framing my face. Julia and Amanda also go with updos but Julia opted for a braid into a low bun while Amanda got an elegant high bun that looks very neat. Getting our hair and makeup done was actually a ton of fun and we all promise to start doing more things, just the girls. With lacrosse starting, Matt getting back to work at the gym, and Kyle starting his travel soccer team, we all will have more free time to spend together. Before we left the salon the woman at the front desk took a few cute pictures of us all together, one of which I posted on my IG story.

Our parents met us at Matt's which is where we finished getting ready. I wore the black dress with red heels, matching Matt's red bow tie which he also wore on New Year's Eve. Matt wore all black besides his bow tie with his hair styled and his black watch I got him along with his gold chain I got repaired tucked into his shirt. Overall he looked really fucking hot and I struggled to control myself anytime we were alone. Julia wore a light purple dress while Kyle wore a white shirt, black pants, and a matching tie. Amanda's dress was white with a navy blue floral pattern on the bottom, so instead of black pants Tyler wore navy pants with a checkered navy and white shirt and navy tie.

Poor Matt got kicked from his room so we could get changed and touch up anything we needed to. I feel bad for how trashed his room is but I make the promise to clean it myself. Matt didn't actually care about his messy room, only teasing me a little knowing it would make me laugh. Right before we started taking pictures I got a notification from Seth, Lil's ex, that said 'Have fun tonight, see you soon.' I chose to not tell Matt because I assumed his message meant he was back with Lil. We were both having a great time so no reason to kill the mood.

Pictures were so much fun and my little friend group that started out with just 5 people in September is huge now. All the juniors on the wrestling team were over, my friends, Tom, his date, and a few other people I am friendly with at school who needed some place to take pictures. Matt and I took more cute pictures than I could count and I couldn't wait to post some for my friends back home. My parents and I also got a ton of pictures together, along with the rest of my family including the twins and all my other friends. I think my favorite so far was the one I took with Blake pretending to be his date so he could send it to his parents who still have no idea he is out. Matt was the one that took the picture, so even though it is a really typical prom picture the fact that he is behind the camera cursing us both out just really makes it special.

Once we finished with pictures we all headed to school to get on the bus which drove us to prom. For Junior Prom we take school buses to prom instead of Senior Prom where we have to provide our own transportation. Prom was so much fun and we danced the entire night. Our group kind of took over the dance floor because there were so many of us and we slowly dragged in other groups to our group. Most girls have accepted Matt and I are dating and have laid off but that didn't stop a few for trying to grind on my boyfriend and me kicking their ankles. Prom was fun but the more memorable night was after prom at Tom's, even if I barely remember what happened actually.

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