Chapter 21

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Pacing around my room, I throw another dress to the floor. Nothing looks right, everything is either too casual or too dressy. I think about caving and calling Amanda and Julia but I decide against it for about the fifth time in 2 hours. I decided not to tell them about the date at all because they're both apparently team Matt. I didn't even know there were teams but there are now.

Sighing, I pull another dress on and hope I will like it but just like the many before it I hate it and throw it to the ground. I already did my hair and the basics of my makeup but I can't finish my makeup until I decide on a dress. I pull out a black dress that is hiding in the back and put it on. I don't even know where the dress came from but it is perfect. It has a V-neck to it but not low, just enough to show a little but not look indecent. The sleeves are long and cuff at the wrist; the dress is form fitting with a mid thigh length flowy skirt and an open back.

Once my dress is picked I decide on a natural eye look and finish off my lips with my Kylie Matte liquid lipstick in the color Koko K. I slip on a pair of black open toe heels that have roses on the heel and tie around the ankle. I grab my black Coach crossbody with the gold chain, making sure I have a few things like my wallet, extra cash, lipstick, keys, and phone inside.

I head downstairs a little after 6:30pm and my parents stare at me. Maybe I should have told them I had a date tonight, ops. My dad looks me up and down getting up from the couch and walking toward me. "You look beautiful my angel, what are you all dressed up for?"

My mom comes over too with a grin on her face. "Should we be expecting Matt's Jeep to pull up soon?" My dad's face goes from confused, to shocked, to excited all within the matter of seconds.

"Are you going out with Matt? Finally!" He practically yells in my ear. He is so excited I almost feel bad telling him the truth, but I must. Maybe this will stop everyone from suggesting I should go out with Matt, it isn't going to happen.

"No no, I am going out with Chris, he is my trainer and a senior at my school. He is really nice, sweet, and smart." I try to talk Chris up but I can see the disappointment in both their faces. I almost feel bad for Chris, they don't even know him, he really is a good guy.

"Oh," is all my dad says before going back to his seat in the living room pouting a little. Well okay then.

"Anyways, I am going to go. We are meeting at the gym, I will text you guys and keep you updated where I am." They both give me a hug goodbye but I know they're both still bummed I am not going out with Matt. Honestly they should be happy I am not; they're really getting along with Nick and Celia, why risk that.

Driving to the gym I start getting nervous. I haven't been on a date in quite a while, what if I say or do something stupid? Jesus, why did I agree to this train wreck of an idea? As I pull into the parking lot I see Matt's bike in its normal spot and decide to park near it, instead of my normal spot near the back. I have tried to push away the event from two weeks ago but being in the parking lot alone at night still terrifies me.

As soon as I walk into the gym everyone's eyes are on me. I try to remain confident as I walk into Rodney's office hoping to find Chris. He isn't in there so I decide to try looking downstairs; he must be down there helping still. Just as I am about to go down, Matt comes up. "Wow Barbie, a little overdressed for fight club don't you think?"

I blush a little and shake my head causing some of my hair to fall into my face. "Do you know where I could find my date?" I ask him, following behind him as he walks to the front desk and opens some drawers in search of who knows what.

"He will be up in a minute, but seriously you look good, he is going to eat his heart out Sydney."

I smile and thank Matt just as Chris comes up stairs with Rodney. "Wow Sydney, you look lovely, I have yet to see you out of workout stuff but you clean up nicely," Rodney says, giving me a quick hug before heading over to a group of people.

Fighting Handsome Satan (book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant