Chapter 10

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We walk into the house and Matt carefully shuts the door. His house is beautiful from what I can see in the dark. He puts his hand on my back and guides me to the stairs. We carefully walk up being as silent as possible. He points to a door on the left that is shut and mouths the word "parents". I nod and give him a thumbs up.

We walk into a room to the right of the stairs and he shuts the door behind us. The room is pretty big with a queen sized bed, a dresser, and a TV mounted on the wall. The walls are a grayish blue and the comforter is white with a light gray pattern on it.

"The bathroom is the door to the right and my room is directly across. I will text my parents and tell them you're here. They won't care though, they'll probably just be happy you aren't one of my degenerate friends drunk and making a mess." I laugh softly as he looks around for the remote.

"Thank you, seriously Matt." I honestly wish we were closer because right now I just want to hug him and thank him over and over.

"Well I figured it was either let you stay or you go full Harley Quinn at home with that bat you keep in the back of your car." He is trying not to laugh but he is failing miserably.

"You saw my bat?" I say, laughing at how crazy he must think I am.

"Yes I did and honestly I'd love to see you use it on someone. I could only imagine little you running at a grown ass man with your bat." He is now full on laughing holding onto the wall for support.

"Oh it has happened, my ex did not handle our break up well and yeah that's the story of how I chased a 6'3" 300 lb linebacker half a mile with a bat." I think back to that day and even I can't believe how crazy that whole thing was.

"No!" He screams literally gasping for air, tears running down his face. He has slid down the wall at this point and is laying on the floor clutching his stomach. "How?"

"We broke up, well I broke up with him, so he egged my house that night. The next day I showed up at his football practice and started screaming at him. He said he was going to smash my windshield in. I had literally just gotten my Jeep a week prior so I was not having that. Anyways, he went running toward my car with his helmet so I grabbed my bat and chased him with it." I pull out my phone and pull up a picture of us together. He is at least triple my size and I look like a child next to him. I hand the phone to Matt and he starts laughing all over again.

"You chased that big motherfucker!? Respect Barbie, respect!" He continues laughing for another few minutes before settling down. I am not really sure what to say now and we sit in silence.

"I am going to go shower and wash this blood off of me, I'll bring you something to sleep in when I get out, ok?" I nod and get up off the floor, grabbing the remote for the TV.

"Shit wait, do you have an extra phone charger? I'm on like 20%. If not it's totally fine, I might have one in my car I can grab." I say and move away from Matt suddenly realizing how weird this whole thing really is. I just met him on Monday. We fought the first two days, ignored each other the next two, we were friendly on Friday but he was drunk, and now I am sleeping at his house.

"iPhone, right? Yeah, I have one in my gym bag, here." He opens his backpack and hands me the charger.

"Thanks, again." I take the charger not looking up at Matt again. Something about him looking at me makes me feel more vulnerable than I like.

"Yeah all good, I'll be back in a few. Make yourself comfortable." Matt walks out of the room and I take my shoes off before sitting on the bed. It is only 10:30 so I turn the TV on softly. They have a smart TV so I login to my Netflix account and put on a random episode of Friends. Someone should tell Netflix to make a random episode feature where it just shuffles episodes of a specific show.

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