Chapter 77

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Matt thrashing around in bed wakes me, like it has every day for the past week. The first night he stayed home because his parents were a mess. I woke up at 3am to a phone call from a very scared Matt. He hasn't slept at home a single night since, but that hasn't helped his nightmares at all. He still wakes up every night in a sweat, thrashing around tangled in my sheets. He won't talk about them and I'm worried if he keeps burying this it will literally drive him mad.

I do the same thing I've done every night and wrap my body around him, whispering that he is safe until he wakes up and realizes it's just a dream. "Shh you're safe Matt," I whisper softly as he grabs me tightly, soft whimpers escaping as his eyes fly open.

"It's not me the dreams are about," he croaks, the fear thick.

This is the first time he's opened up even a little bit, and I know I shouldn't, but I get greedy and pry for more answers. "What are they about?"

"You, it's different every night but they always end the same. You die and I can't save you." I flick on the lamp so I can see his tear-soaked face.

"But you did save me," I remind him. "Actually, you saved all of us. Matt I love you baby, but I'm worried about you. You really need to talk to someone like your parents suggested. Aaron is going, it's not bad."

"I don't need therapy!" he yells annoyed that I, like his parents, are trying to get him to talk about this with a professional.

"Why?" I bite back still not understanding the issue with going to therapy.

"Because I'm not some weak little boy who can't handle life and take care of you! I can!"

"What? Matt, do you think anyone will think less of you because you are going to therapy? You were kidnapped, held hostage, and then watched a man get murdered. And then if that wasn't enough you made sure I saw none of it. Matt, you are one of the strongest, if not the strongest, people I've ever met. Nothing will change that." I grab his face in my hands and kiss his nose, watching his eyes flutter shut and a small smile tug at his lips.

"I love you Sydney," he whispers as he flicks the light off and we snuggle back into bed.

"I love you more," I mumble as I nuzzle my head into his side, my arm across his chest and my leg over his.

"Impossible. Also babe?"


"Happy birthday my love," he says softly while he kisses the top of my head and falls back to sleep. My birthday. I kinda forgot about that. Everything the past week has been so crazy.

The first day after we talked to the FBI and everything, my dad dropped Matt off and then he headed home. There was a lot of hugging and crying that night. The next day was Friday and it was a lot of the same. Matt and I didn't go to school but our friends stopped by after school to see us. Matt also went with his dad and got his bike back from the FBI. Thankfully it was completely unharmed, because if it wasn't he was going to, and I quote, dick-punch every one of those dumb fuckers... yes ladies and gentlemen, that is my boyfriend. Sad, I know.

Over the weekend my friends from D.C. all came to visit since Matt and I weren't really in the shape to be traveling to them. It was nice to see them all and intermingle my D.C. friends with my N.Y. friends. Aaron and Sasha did a lot of catching up too and I have high hopes for their future.

Monday was back to school and honestly it was nice to go back to normal life. Aaron will do his senior year next year with me since he missed the entire school year. I have been avoiding Matt's house, figuring Celia and Nick hate me now, but I know I can't hide for much longer from them. Eventually I will have to face their looks of disgust at the girl who almost got their son killed. Trust me, whatever horrible things they think about me I've thought them about myself and worse.

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