Chapter 3

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By the time the bell rings signaling the end of school, I nearly cry from the pure joy of this day being over. Once Matt realized he would be my partner he quickly begged the teacher to change his seat. She denied the change even though I also said I would prefer to work with someone else. We spent the rest of the class sitting in dead silence as far away from each other as possible. Thankfully for me, our first project is groups of four and the other pair we are teaming up with is Kyle and Julia.

"Every time I looked over at you two you reminded me of Edward and Bella in science class," Amanda says while we walk out of the school. I roll my eyes but can't help but giggle at the accuracy of her comparison.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb," Kyle chimes in from behind us.

"What a stupid lamb," Julia adds without missing a beat.

"What a sick, masochistic lion." Kyle continues, perfectly quoting the scene from Twilight. I look at them and raise my brow, wondering how they became such Twilight experts, but they just shrug.

"Does anyone need a ride home?" I ask as I see my car come into view. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding when I notice Matt's Jeep is gone from the spot next to me.

"Nope I have a car, besides I have soccer practice now I just have really bad FOMO so I walked out with you all. Thanks for the offer though." Kyle can try and claim his FOMO is the reason he walked out with us but he isn't fooling anyone.

"Thanks Syd, but I have to go to work at my mom's store, which is on Tyler's way home so he's going to drive me!" Tyler looks down and kisses Amanda's head. I have a feeling even if the store wasn't on his way home Tyler would still drive her. A slight bit of jealousy creeps over me looking at how in love Tyler and Amanda truly are.

"Looks like it's just us cuz! Oh, I can tell you about the new picture Hero posted today! Agh, that boy is daddy as fuck! On my list of daddies he is definitely high up on the list." Julia and her daddies. There is a list of 6 currently, Hero is a new addition.

"Greatttttttt..." I groan as I unlock the car and wave bye to the rest of the group. As soon as the car doors close I mentally prepare myself for a very long ride home filled with a detailed description of how Julia thinks his "British sausage" looks. Instead I am met with silence from the lunatic to my right.

"Do you think Kyle is cute?" Julia asks softly, not looking in my direction.

"YOU LIKE KYLE!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs grabbing onto Julia and shaking her. How quickly the tables have turned. "JULIA!!!!"

"Will you relax Sydney it was just a question," she says, rolling her eyes and pushing me back into my seat. I roll my eyes but collect myself before starting the car.

"I do think he is cute, he looks at you a lot. Constantly watching you to make sure you're happy." I pull out of the parking lot, trying to steal a glance and gauge how Julia reacts to what I just said.

"You sound like Kitty from To All the Boys, you know that? Next time just say 'he looks at you, to see if you're having a good time.'" Julia mocks Kitty but I think a part of her is just scared. Julia loves reading romance books but even she knows that real life is never like the books.

"You know it's ok to take risks sometimes, J. So maybe you get hurt, the best love stories never come from playing it safe." I don't look at my cousin and let a comfortable silence take over the car.

As I pull up to the house and put the car in park, Julia turns to look at me. "I know you're thinking about him, if you need to talk I am always here to listen."

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