Chapter 63

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Wednesday night as I try to fall asleep I feel weird, like something is going on. My friends have been weird. Matt has been weird. And I feel like I am constantly out of the loop. It all started Monday at school.

Flashback - Monday

"Shit, thank you Dad," I say into the phone as I walk into the school. I forgot one of my books at home but thankfully my dad said he would drop it off. Matt didn't wake me up this morning because he said I looked tired and he is worried about me. We sleep the same amount though so I am not sure why he let me sleep in. Anyways, he woke me up late so I was rushing all morning feeling completely frazzled. Matt left before me because he needed to talk to Coach and Julia caught a ride with Kyle this morning thankfully so I didn't feel as bad about running late.

As I walk down the hallway to my locker I notice all my friends, Matt, and all his friends gathered together whispering. I walk over and they quickly all shut up the second they realize I am there. "Morning everyone?"

"Morning babe, you like nice today," Matt says quickly rubbing his neck, his tell that he is nervous about something.

"Thank you? Anyways what did I miss?" I ask, opening my locker cautiously while everyone watches me.

"Nothing, not a thing, why would you assume you missed something?" Julia rushes, laughing nervously. Even Tom is here which is actually the first time ever I have seen him and Matt interact at school. Is this about Matt's mom?

"Is this about. . . you know Friday's confession?"

A look of panic flashes across Blake's face before he quickly asks, "What confession? I don't remember any confession! No confessions were made on Friday!"

I turn to the whole group, who is fidgeting and look at them like they are crazy. "Really? Because I would say someone confessing their mom isn't really their mom is kind of a big confession, Blake."

"That confession, of course," Tom says, punching Blake in the side and shooting him a dirty look. Matt is leaning against the locker looking nervous and I ignore everyone and turn to him.

"Babe are you ok? I promise it will be ok, if you need me just text me." Matt's expression softens and he places his hand on my hip, gently squeezing. He gives me a weak smile so I quickly push up onto my tippy toes and kiss his nose.

"Thank you, I am ok baby, just it is weird for everyone to know." Everyone moves away a little turning their backs toward us to give us privacy. "We had such a good weekend, a part of me forgot what a mess I was walking into today."

"I know baby it was a good weekend. Just think in two weeks from now we will be spending our weekend at States which will secure the entire team's spot at Nationals. I am really proud of you guys by the way, yesterday was a long day but you made it."

Matt closes my locker as I shift my books in my arms and the warning bell rings. "Mmm yeah, just can't wait for this season to be over honestly."

"I wonder why," I wink before giving Matt another kiss and running after Amanda to walk to class together.

Flashback Ends

I want to say that was the weirdest part of my Monday but it wasn't honestly. After a relatively normal day at school with minimal talk of the mom confession, Lily told me I have to meet her at the mall to find the perfect outfit for Thursday's meet. She said because it is the last meet I should get something really nice.

Flashback - Monday Mall

"Hey Sydney!" Lil yells from across the mall, spotting me literally the second I walk in the doors. She waves me down and I walk over toward her giving her a little wave.

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