Chapter 69

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"Everyone please set your pencils down, this marks the end of the March SAT. I will call you up one by one to hand in your exam and pick up your phone. Once you have handed in your test you are free to leave." I wait patiently for my name to be called and basically run out of the room once my test is handed in. Overall the exam wasn't that bad but I still was really nervous since this exam could affect what college I go to. Plus the extra fear because I have to send this score to Casey literally while we are at Nationals. I will pretty much know right away if my score and GPA are enough to get me in with Matt. He seems to think I have nothing to worry about but I can't help it.

I walk to the front of the school where all my friends and I decided to meet. We took the SAT at a different school because ours was not offering it this time around. When I get to the front Matt is there with Amanda who is slapping him repeatedly. "Matt, what did you do?" I ask as I walk over.

"Woah, I am getting attacked and you assume I did something wrong?" I give him a pointed look and he nods, "Ok fair. How was it baby?"

"Eh I made it, now to just wait for scores." Matt opens his arms and I lean on him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Kyle, why do you look like you just fought a bear?" Amanda calls my attention to Kyle who just walked over to us. His hair is a disaster, he is holding two broken pencils, his water bottle is all misshapen, and his face just looks tired.

Kyle dramatically falls to the floor curling up and closing his eyes, "Thank God I am good at soccer because that definitely went so bad. I will be happy if I get a 1100."

"You will be ok Kyle, you studied your butt off and were doing so good on all the practice exams." I try to reassure him even though I feel the same way. Matt stays out of the conversation knowing if he complains we will just kill him. We took two full practice SATs for our prep class and Matt managed to get a 1780 and an 1800. If he gets a perfect 1800 today I would not be shocked at all. Most of the other juniors on the team are really nervous to get their scores at Nationals and already decided to not check until after the weekend is over, but of course smartie pants Matt doesn't care, especially when he only needs about a 1250 to go to Penn State anyways.

"Kyle baby, get off the floor," Julia scolds as she joins us. Kyle pops his head up to look at her but then dramatically lays back on the floor with a deep sigh.

"How did you do J?" I ask, putting my arm around her shoulder and leaning my head against her's. She matches my movements and lays her head against mine in return.

"Could have been worse, overall I am not that worried honestly. Where is Ty?"

"Here! Sorry I had to pee and then I got lost. Anyways, how do you guys feel?" We all mumble answers to him and begin our walk to our cars. Matt and I drove, each of us picking up two people. He picked up Amanda and Tyler this morning and I picked up Julia and Kyle. The girls had originally made a lunch date for after the SAT and when the guys found out they decided to make a guys date too.

"So boys, what are you doing for your date?" I tease. Matt flips me off but then pulls me into his side and kisses my head.

"We are going to Topgolf," Kyle informs us while Julia swings their arms back and forth. It is a little weird having all three of us as couples now but we make it work. The guys in the past three weeks of Matt and I dating have started spending more time together, and surprisingly enough I see the girls more now too.

"Well have fun, we are going to get pampered," Amanda says, giving Tyler a kiss as we reach the two Jeeps. She climbs into the back as Julia kisses Kyle and darts to the front seat. The two guys do the same, battling it out for Matt's front seat. We both laugh and I lean up to kiss him. He sighs into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist.

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