Chapter 46

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At 6:23, Julia and Amanda walk into my room and lay out a number of different snacks while turning off my episode of Criminal Minds and popping in a movie. I roll my eyes and grab the remote pausing the movie. "We talk first, then snacks and movie."

"Fine," Julia groans, sitting on the opposite end of my bed while Amanda sits in the middle, her legs blocking me from being able to lunge at Julia. Smart Amanda, very smart. "Let me set the scene first Syd."

Flashback - Julia's P.O.V.

"He is soooo hot," I slur, watching Matt as he looks some freshman girl up and down before turning on his heels and walking away.

"Yeah and an asshole. I thought you liked Kyle though," Amanda asks, also watching Matt as he grabs another drink and ignores yet another pathetic advance by some junior.

"I do like Kyle. Kyle is like boyfriend material but Matt," I pause taking a sip of my beer, "he is bragging rights. Kyle is great but he is safe. I would totally risk it all for Matt, wouldn't you?"

Amanda scoffs at my drunken confession, "Not a chance in hell I would risk anything for that dick head. He is nothing but trouble, stay away from him Julia." I roll my eyes at her worrying and push off the counter I am leaning on. Amanda grabs me and pulls me back with a look of disgust. "You are going to regret this J, do not risk things with Kyle. Love vs. lust, is one night with Matt really worth losing Kyle? Besides do you really want to tell people you lost your virginity to Matt?"

"Yes," I tell her bluntly before pulling out of her grasp and stumbling away. Matt is leaning against the wall looking at something on his phone when I walk over to him. "Hey."

"Hey," he replies but doesn't look up from whatever he is doing. It is his birthday party but he doesn't seem to be having fun at all, maybe I should change that.

"Happy birthday sorry I didn't get you anything." I try to sound as sexy as possible and it works. He looks up from his phone and gives me a sloppy smile.

"I could think of something you could give me princess." He reaches out and pulls me close to him even though he can barely stand himself. Not that I am much better shape honestly but I saw him doing many jello shots earlier and drinking whiskey. All I have drank is a few beers and 1 shot.

"Well I don't want to give it to you here the other girls might get jealous that my gift is better."

"Fair, bathroom come on." Matt drags me to a bathroom I didn't know existed. It seems most people don't know considering how clean it is. He shuts and locks the door and it dawns on me I am really about to do this with Matt. God I can't wait to tell Sydney, she is all in love with her new boyfriend Brock but no rich football playing senator's son can compare to The Matthew Dean.

I grab Matt's half buttoned shirt and pull him to me, kissing him roughly. He kisses back just as rough pushing me up against the counter and pushing my shirt up. I have never done anything like this before but I keep going, no one likes the prude. He pulls away and looks at me like he is a hungry animal. "Birthday blowjob?"

I don't know what to say because honestly I have only ever given one before but I just nod and jump off the counter dropping to my knees. Matt grabs my hair roughly while I unbutton his pants and pull them down with his boxers. This is seriously not how I pictured this, he is not like Hardin at all, or maybe he is but I am not Tessa clearly. He is rough and uncaring as he pushes himself deeper into my mouth.

I can feel the drool rolling down my chin as I move my head trying to do like those girls from the videos I watched. He isn't really making any sound and he is looking forward with a blank face. I am not even sure he is enjoying himself until he dryly says, "I am gonna cum."

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