Chapter 44

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Matt's P.O.V.

The next morning, I wake up super early just so I can get Sydney coffee before I pick her up, even though I am so tired that sometimes I blink and fall asleep. I have her order written down in my phone so I don't mess it up, but currently I am so tired I might still mess it up. I check outside when I walk downstairs and notice we got a decent amount of snow; I refresh the school website and flick on the news but so far we still have school.

"Still have school, sorry bud," my dad says as I lay across the kitchen island while he makes me breakfast. I don't mind going to school but I definitely wouldn't be mad if we had a delayed start, meaning I got a few more hours of sleep and no quiz.

"Morning sweetheart," Celia kisses me on the head as she sits next to me rubbing my back, "Looks like an early dismissal is possible since it is still snowing. Maybe if you get out early we can have a movie night?"

My dad slides breakfast over to me as I lift my head up just enough to feed myself and look at Celia, "That sounds great Mom, do you have a specific movie in mind?" Movie nights were our favorite bonding time activity when she first met my dad. I liked them because we didn't really have to talk but she would just sit with me and sometimes let me lay on her lap. We have a pretty similar taste in movies now since we have seen close to 2000 movies together.

She opens her phone to her notes app and looks at the running list of movies we want to see at any given time, we also have a list of every movie we have watched together. "How about Toy Story 4?"

"Toy Story was the first movie we ever watched together," I remind her but I know she remembers very well. It was our first night together just the two of us while my dad went to work and the night did not start out that hot.


"Matt? Do you want to come sit?"

I launch another toy at the wall, continuing to scream, "I want my dad! Where is my daddy!?"

My dad's girlfriend, Celia, walks over to me carefully, not getting too close and speaks to me softly, "He is working right now but he will be back home later tonight."

This answer doesn't satisfy me as I throw another toy. I have no reason to not like Celia really, she is nice to me and always offers to play, but she constantly wants to talk to me. She wants to be friends but I won't let her be my friend because if I do she might also die. "I want him now," I screech.

"I know you do Matt but he has to work. I promise we will have fun don't worry," she assures but I don't believe her.

"NO!" I throw myself to the floor crying so hard I can't catch my breath. "DAD COME HOME," I bawl while Celia moves closer to me.

I am purposely being as bad as possible but she doesn't seem to care. She is still smiling at me instead of yelling or getting upset like Dad does when I act bad. I don't want her to be my friend but no matter how hard I try she still wants to be around me. I stop throwing things and screaming, realizing that it is getting me nowhere. Celia walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge pulling out the food dad left, "How about we eat then we can watch a movie?"

I don't actually answer, instead walking to the kitchen table and sitting down in my normal seat. Celia brings our food over after she heats it up and we eat in silence. I can feel her watching me but I don't look at her. I will admit she is very pretty and she makes my dad happy. Still I know she doesn't actually like me but she pretends for dad; after I spilled juice all over her pretty shirt when we first met I don't think she would ever actually like me.

"So do you have a movie you'd like to see?" she asks while I stare at my empty plate. I shake my head no hoping that she will leave me alone and let me go into my room. "Well I really want to see Toy Story, have you seen it yet?"

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