Chapter 2

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By the time 4th period gym rolls around, I'm the talk of the school. Apparently calling out Matt has caught the attention of many of my new peers, and I hate it. I thought I'd be able to blend in and keep a low profile at this new school, guess not. As me and Amanda walk into the gym, Kyle's face immediately lights up.

"Damn shorty, I haven't seen anyone get this school so riled up since freshman year when Cassidy got pregnant with Mr. Wright's baby and decided to tell him and the entire school at prom!!" I roll my eyes as Julia smacks the back of his head and gives him a dirty look.

"I for one am proud of you, cuz. No one ever stands up to Matt but it's about time people put him in his place!" Everyone nods along with her but I have a feeling that none of them will be dumb enough to pick a fight with Matt anytime soon. Nope, I am the only idiot that would do that... on the first day of school.

Gym and lunch go by pretty quickly. I learned that the food here is terrible, unlike the food back at Friends academy and I decide to start packing lunch starting tomorrow. By 6th period AP US History, it seems all the excitement I created has died down. I sit in the third row, second desk in, and Tyler sits to my left. He's telling me about his dog when suddenly he stops talking and stares at something behind me. Before I have a chance to ask him what's wrong I hear the voice I was hoping to never hear again.

"So we meet again Barbie, miss me?" Matt asks with a wink sliding into the seat to my right.

"Sorry this is AP US History, I think you might be lost." I shoot back before turning back to Tyler.

"Nope definitely not lost. Got here just in time to get the best seat too." I don't have to turn around to know Matt has a stupid smirk on his face. I am about to ask Tyler to switch with me when the teacher walks in and tells us all to settle down.

The teacher hands out the syllabus for the year and begins going over how the class will run. Matt slowly begins inching his seat closer and closer to me. I try to ignore him, but the closer he gets, the louder the voice in my head screams to run. Just as his desk is about to touch mine the teacher finally notices his antics and speaks up. "Mr. Dean, can I help you with something?"

"Nope," he says, popping the 'P' and colliding his desk with mine.

"Perfect, then you wouldn't mind putting your desk back and stop interrupting my class on the first day. If you want to get a 5 on this AP exam like you did for World History you better pay attention Mr. Dean." Matt being smart must not be common knowledge because everyone else seems as surprised as I am that Matt got a 5 on the AP exam.

"My aunt is a teacher here so I know that Matt is really smart but I am like the only one in the entire school that knows. Well I guess knew because everyone knows now," Tyler whispers to me while the rest of the classroom begins to whisper.

Matt realizing his secret smartness is out, slams his desk back into its original spot, grabs his bag, and storms out, slamming the classroom door so hard the clock falls off the wall. Our teacher Mrs. Johnson sighs and walks over to the phone. "Talk quietly amongst yourselves for a moment, I need to step into the hall and make a call."

As soon as she's in the hall everyone in the room rips out their phone probably to text all their friends about what just happened. I pull my phone out too and text Sasha that I miss her and that public school is becoming more and more like Mean Girls.

Tyler taps me on the shoulder softly while sliding me his phone. "We have a group chat, give me your number and I'll add you to it. I meant to tell Julia to do it during lunch but I forgot, so I'll just do it now." I nod and type my number into his phone before handing it back.

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