Chapter 33

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"Mall after class to go Halloween shopping?" Julia asks as we all walk into Home Ec. It is Thursday and I still have no idea what to wear Saturday, only slightly beginning to panic.

"I have work, sorry guys," Amanda says before sitting in her seat a row in front of us. I take my seat, Julia at the table to my left looking at me for an answer. I hold up a finger before looking at Matt.

"You get out of practice at 5 today, right?"

"Yeah, we still on for training after?" he asks, rubbing his face. He has been so busy lately I know he is exhausted. Between wrestling, training at the gym, training me, working there a few nights a week, and school, I am not really sure when he sleeps anymore. They just started two a day so he is here in the morning an hour before school starts for cardio and the two hours after school for practice.

"If you're up to it, if you aren't I totally understand." He tries to hide a yawn and shakes his head no.

"No I am fine, 5:30 training got it." I sigh, wishing he would take some time for himself but also selfishly wanting to spend time with him too. We haven't really hung out since I studied at his house last week and Friday at the party before Asher ruined it. I know once the season starts things are going to be even busier and I already miss hanging out multiple times a week.

"J, I am down to shop after school but I need to be at the gym by 5:30." She gives me a thumbs up and we turn our attention to Mrs. Wright. I play with Matt's hand under the table, something that has become a new habit this week. I wonder if the table behind us can see it? Probably not;  we sit nearly shoulder to shoulder, our chairs basically touching.

When the bell rings, Matt groans and leans on the table. "I just want to fucking relax, God dammit," he complains. He finally stands up and tries to fake a smile for me. "Stop looking worried, I am fine, just need to get back into the routine of it all."

"How about we train a different day," I suggest, wishing he would stop being so stubborn.

"No stop, walk with me to my locker?" I roll my eyes but walk with him anyways. We talk about what homework is due for tomorrow and I offer to send him the answers for Physics but he declines saying he will be lost in class if he just copies. "Sorry, I am holding you up," he says when we get to his locker. I watch what books he grabs, making sure he grabs the right ones and not the wrong one like he did Monday.

"It is all good, Julia likes to walk Kyle to practice anyways." He nods and shuts his locker, both of us walking down the nearly empty halls to the locker room. The stares are still pretty noticeable, but we definitely attract less attention when we walk together now than we did in the beginning.

Before we turn the corner to the locker rooms, Matt stops me making sure no one is coming before kissing me quickly. "I don't care how tired I am, please sleepover Friday?" I want to say yes so badly, but he needs to sleep. "Stop, I know that look. Don't do this, just say yes. I promise as soon as you come over I will sleep but I miss just hanging out together."

I look up at him and he sticks out his bottom lip and gives me the sad puppy eyes. I sigh before finally caving, "Fine, on two conditions. One, we go to bed super early, and two I get to cook you dinner."

His entire face lights up when I agree, kissing me again. "Deal, as long as I get to pick dessert."

"Which will be?"

"You." My heart rate immediately speeds up as his eyes trail from my face down my body. I swallow and nod my head, not able to find my voice to speak. "Perfect," he whispers, snaking his arm around my waist and grabbing my ass. If anyone was ever wondering, Matt Dean is 100% an ass guy.

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