Chapter 18

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I walk into 9th period, well, kinda dragged in by Kyle. Ever since I told him about my hurt ankle, he has insisted on helping me. He is currently holding my backpack while his arm is around my waist. It is supposed to take the weight off my ankle, but because his legs are so long, I struggle to keep up and he practically drags me. "You know this is totally unnecessary, right?"

"Shh, you're injured! I will nurse you back to health!" Kyle announces proudly, basically throwing me into the chair. Matt walks in and looks Kyle up and down, snorting and grinning to himself before sitting down and laying his head on the table.

"Kyle you ass, sit down and leave her alone." Tyler groans, pulling Kyle by his backpack nearly knocking him to the ground.

"Jeez, try and be nice to my friend and this is the thanks I get, bullshit..." he mumbles, plopping down into his seat and nuzzling into Julia. They are getting increasingly more comfortable showing PDA in front of us. Yesterday he held her hand under the table at lunch and today he has been hanging on her a lot, she even kissed his head once in lunch.

"Oh Syd, I am staying after today. I have a class meeting," Julia says, shifting to turn and face me.

"Oh if you need a ride home I can take you before practice," Kyle chimes in, looking pleased he can help. . . again.

"Relax buddy, I got her, you don't even know where she lives," Matt bites back in a rude tone before putting his head back down. Wow, totally unnecessary. What the fuck? I elbow him in the side but he doesn't react.

"Oh ok, um, well you are all coming to my game tomorrow, right?" We all groan and roll our eyes, Amanda throws a pen at him and he laughs like a child. "I kid I kid, I know you all will be there. Especially you Ty, gotta have my baby there wearing my jersey!"

Class begins, we all listen to Mrs. Wright while taking notes. It goes by much slower than usual since we are just sitting instead of doing things in the kitchen. Matt is really fidgety next to me and at one point I get so annoyed with him tapping his pen that I cover his hand with my own and whisper for him to stop.

When class finally ends, Kyle comes bouncing over to me about to help when Matt looks at him and he backs off. I am not sure what his issue is but Kyle is my friend and just being nice, he really needs to cut the shit. We all walk to my locker together and I make it a point to ask Kyle for help, which he does without complaint.

Kyle decided to walk Julia to her meeting before practice so they say goodbye while Amanda and I are going over what we need to do tonight for pre-calc. Tyler has his arm around her waist, leaning on the lockers next to mine, while Matt is buried in his phone next to me. A part of me wants to ask who he is texting but he would probably just give me an attitude.

"Alright babe, ready?" Tyler asks as Amanda puts her planner away.

"Yup!" She says, grabbing his hand and kissing his jawline. They are so adorable, I can't. Now that I know everything I know about them I can't help but to love them more.

Both of them say bye to me and Matt before walking away. As soon as they're out of earshot, I slam my locker close and turn to Matt. "What the fuck was that before?"

"What?" He asks, not looking up, clearly not giving a shit.

"What? You being rude to Kyle, that's what. It was totally unnecessary." I turn around and begin walking toward the door. I hear Matt sigh before he jogs in front of me, making me stop walking.

"Hey, stop alright, I just think it is annoying how up your ass he is. If he really liked your cousin he wouldn't be all over you." He tries to grab my bag from me but I push his hand away. What is he getting at? Kyle is just nice! Like a sweet little puppy. Besides, helping me is just a way to win brownie points with Julia since we are so close.

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