Chapter 58

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"Move the couch there, not over there, stupids." Lily is sitting up on the counter instructing the three guys where to move the couches. Seth is "helping" but Matt and Tom are doing all the work. The party isn't for another hour but Matt and I got here a little while ago to help set up. Lily helped with my makeup when we first arrived, because I couldn't get my eyeshadow right, before we joined the guys to move furniture.

"Lilith, you call me stupid one more time and I will tell your mom how you blew me on her bed," Matt threatens, shooting daggers at Lily who just laughs like a sociopath. All my time spent with them has made me immune to their jokes about once sleeping together. I know it meant nothing so I don't get upset with it.

Actually since our Tori fight I realized I was part of the issue. I kept looking for things that weren't there because I was scared to get hurt. I kept convincing myself Matt was going to get bored and sabotage things because that would hurt less than being blindsided by him actually leaving.

"Mom and Dad's bed!?" Tom yells, dropping the coffee table in his hands. "Their bed? You both have rooms in this house and you picked their bed? What is wrong with you two!?" Tom is now pacing the room with a look of disgust on his face while Matt and Lil laugh.

"We didn't have time to make it down the hall," Lily says innocently while Matt just shrugs and walks over to me.

"Really? You have no shame, Satan." Matt laughs and pulls me off the counter and wraps his arms around me.

"Did you two purposely match?" Seth asks.

Matt and I both look at him in blatant disgust as he walks closer to Lily. "No, I picked his outfit blindfolded, it was a complete accident Seth." I can hear the sarcasm dripping from my own voice as I answer. Seth just really needs to go and after yesterday I finally openly told Lily that. Apparently she has noticed his weirdly friendly attitude with me too and planned to end things after tonight.

"Seth lets go upstairs." Lily drags him upstairs getting him as far away from Matt as possible, knowing he already has it out for him after yesterday.

"Did you hear about our wonderful double date last night?" Matt asks Tom as they both grab beers and I pour myself a glass of wine.

Tom shakes his head confused while we all sit on the couches. I sit on Matt's lap enjoying my little time left to be extra cuddly and clingy. When the party starts we have to act like just friends which is stressing both of us out trying to figure out how to sneak a midnight kiss. We tried to convince Tom to play truth or dare during the party and dare us to do it but he said he is done with all games at parties since the Julia and Kyle meltdown. Matt, remembering our first big fight as friends, agrees that games should be avoided.

Matt rests his arm around me, letting his hand softly hold my hip, his thumb gently running over the fabric of my dress. "Dude it was the worst, I nearly killed that fucking creep."

Tom laughs as Matt gets worked up again about the past. "Wow, Seth creepy with Syd? Dude who would have guessed that? Remember when he offered to help her study when she was complaining to you about the math midterm?"

"I didn't even need help, I was just trying to flirt with you so you would give me attention," I add on, annoyed that Seth cock-blocked me that night.

"I know, you're so smart my girl." Matt kisses my head and I smile smugly even though Seth isn't here in the room. "Anyways back to last night, we were all out to dinner and as we were leaving he offered to give Sydney a ride home. Like what! Drive your date home."

"He what?" Tom gasps, choking on his beer. "And he survived?"

"Barely, I wanted to beat his ass but this one got handsy and I got distracted."

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