Chapter 19

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It is 8:57am when I pull into the diner parking lot. It feels like a month ago that I dropped Julia off here to meet Kyle when really it has only been a week. Last night was their big date and around 11pm she texted me and Amanda to meet her here at 9am.

I picked Amanda up and drove her so Tyler could sleep in for a change. We are both nervously waiting in the car for Julia when Amanda gasps next to me, "IS THAT KYLE'S CAR!? NO WAY, SHE SLEPT AT HIS HOUSE!?"

I follow where she is looking and sure enough, pulling into the parking lot is Kyle. "That bitch, she didn't tell either of us!"

We both get out of my car and run over to Kyle's car. Julia rolls down her window and very casually says, "Morning girlies." Kyle next to her waves with a huge smile on his face.

"Alright, I am going to be late to practice, you ladies enjoy breakfast." Julia gets out of the car before walking around to the diver's window which Kyle has rolled down and giving him a kiss.

In unison Amanda and I scream "Awwww" as Julia pulls away and backs up so he can drive off. We both look at her for a second totally calm before rapid firing questions at her. She walks between us ignoring the questions, walking into the diner.

The hostess seats us and we all silently decide what we want and order before Julia fills us in. "Alright girl, speak. Don't leave out a single detail" I say before taking a sip of my coffee.

"Alright, so you both know he took me to dinner last night, we went to this really pretty restaurant and he was just so sweet. He pulled out my chair, he held my hand across the table, he told me I looked gorgeous more times than I could count." I want to scream and yell but I don't want to interrupt. Amanda squeezes my hand and we both slap each other's arms under the table.

"Anyways, he picked me up shortly after you guys left and he opened my car door and brought me flowers. When we got to the restaurant, he opened my car door again and held my hand as we walked in. He had made reservations so we sat off in the back kind of alone and it was so private and romantic. After dinner we went and got dessert at my favorite ice cream place and he licked ice cream off my cheek. It was so perfect guys," she finishes.

"Soooo," I draw out, "Are you two like officially a couple?"

"Yes we are! He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." We all "Aww" and reach across the table to hug Julia.

"Did you sleepover?" Amanda asks what we are both thinking.

Julia turns a deep red, looking down at her coffee softly saying, "Yeah." We both knew the answer already but it doesn't stop me and Amanda from squealing like pigs.

"Real question, did you two actually sleep?" I ask and I know from her face she automatically understands what I am saying.

"OMG shut up! You're the one talking about being tied up with Matt!"

Amanda turns to face me, eyes wide at what Julia just said. "Excuse me, what!? Please say more, I need context now!" I kick Julia under the table, causing her to yelp before I start telling Amanda the short version of what went down Monday and Tuesday.

"Matt was going through my stuff Monday after we studied while I changed. I guess while he was being nosey he found handcuffs my ex bought us. On Tuesday he was over and we were watching Teen Wolf and he was saying he liked Liam. So I said, 'Oh Liam got tied to a tree last episode' and he said, 'I don't get tied up, I do the tying.' It isn't as scandalous as J made it seem." Julia scoffs and I give her a questioning look.

"As she leaves out giving him a whole ass boner!" I kick her even harder this time and she yells causing half the diner to look at us. "Bitch," Julia says under her breath rubbing her leg.

Fighting Handsome Satan (book 1) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin