Chapter 74

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"So what happens when you have sex without a condom?" Aaron asks for the 9th time.

"Nothing," Matt and I say in unison, laughing as Aaron screams and slams the wall again.

"Wrong! You get pregnant and you die!"

"But I am on birth control A," I remind him sweetly as if he hasn't been reminded 5 times already.

"Doesn't matter, you will still die!" he yells back before burying his head in his arms.

"My mom is dead," Matt says and Aaron pops his head up with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"Wait seriously?" Matt and I both nod and Aaron rolls his eyes and slams his head against the table again. "I can't with you two. Matt, you better not leave my little sister if you knock her up, that is all I am saying."

"I would never," Matt replies clearly offended. "Besides, we already have Conor and I didn't leave."

"He is a doll for the 100th time!" Aaron roars, so beyond over both of us. "I liked it better when I was alone."

"Oh, am I chopped liver now Aaron?" a voice asks as the door opens and a beautiful girl in her mid 20s walks in. She is gorgeous with a smile that lights up the room. She is wearing a beautiful spring dress looking like she is ready for a picnic, not spending time with us locked in this windowless box.

"So sorry Nadia, but you know what I meant," he teases, making room for her to take the last open chair at the little table. "Nadia, this is the little sister I have told you all about. Oh and apparently her boyfriend, because just my luck."

"It is nice to finally meet you Sydney, I apologize it is under these circumstances." She looks sincere in her apology and I get why Aaron spoke so highly over her. She is like that one lone flower that grows on the top of a volcano, it makes even the most terrifying thing beautiful.

"It is ok," I assure her. Matt is a little less trusting and pulls me closer to him protectively. I squeeze his hand under the table and he squeezes it back. His words about dying to protect me play on a loop in my head but I try not to let my emotions show.

"It isn't ok, none of this is ok. I am not sure what he plans to accomplish by keeping you all here but I wish he would just stop. I know he is in pain, but he has me and soon our baby." I look down and notice the slight belly Nadia has that was hidden when she was standing and her dress was flowing. She rubs her hand protectively over her stomach and my heart breaks for her and the future of this child.

"How was he yesterday at your appointment?" Aaron asks, clearly already knowing she is pregnant.

"He was the old him, the one I fell in love with. Some days I think that man is gone but I am hoping this baby will bring him back to me." Aaron hugs Nadia as she begins to cry a little. Whoever is in charge here she clearly loves him dearly. I look at Matt and wonder how I would be if we were in the same situation. Would I allow him to do this? Would my love for Matt overshadow my own morals? Would I still stand by him through this? I want to say no, but then again I would do a lot of things for Matt I previously swore I wouldn't.

While Aaron comforts Nadia the door swings open and Seth walks in. He looks a lot less like the Seth I knew from Lily. Instead of his jeans and t-shirt he is wearing black dress pants and a white button down with the sleeves rolled up and the top couple of buttons undone. Think Massimo from 365 Days and that is how Seth looks now. "Nadia, what are you doing? You should be in bed resting my love."

Nadia gives him a shy look as he grabs her face softly so she is looking at him. "I am bored, Dimitri. I don't want to stay in bed all day doing nothing."

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