Chapter 24

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"Are we sure this thing works? It hasn't made a sound yet." We walk into Matt's house and I walk over to Malcolm to give him kisses while Matt puts the car seat onto the kitchen counter and grabs water.

"I don't know, just take it out of the car seat since we can't leave it in there for too long." I walk over and grab a few grapes from the fridge. Matt laughs as I pop one into my mouth and I can't help but laugh too. I can't believe that was over a month ago, I feel like I have known Matt my entire life, but like also we just met.

Matt takes the baby out of the car seat and it instantly starts crying. "Yup nope, fuck that, take him!" He basically throws the baby at me and I nearly drop it.

"Matt, don't throw Conor! I don't think dropping him will result in a good grade!" I try to rock the baby to quiet it down but it just keeps crying. I check its diaper which is clean and ask Matt to make a bottle, hoping feeding him will make the crying stop.

"Did I do it right?" He asks me while handing me the bottle.

"Yeah, it is like pre-workout. Put a scope in water and shake it, super simple." I take the bottle and begin feeding the baby, finally getting the crying to stop. "I want to figure out what I need from my house, can you just finish feeding Conor?" Matt looks at me and frantically shakes his head.

"Me? I can't, I don't know how!" I smile and drag him over to the couch in the living room, pushing him down to sit.

"Just sit here and hold him like this," I put the baby in Matt's arms and adjust them both so hopefully both are pretty comfortable. "When the bottle is done, let me know and I will show you how to burp him." Matt nods and I take out my phone, starting to make a list of what I should grab from home along with things we need from Target. I wonder if forgetting pajamas so I can sleep in one of Matts shirts again would be too obvious.

"I think it's done?" I turn around and laugh at Malcolm who is standing on the couch hovering over Matt trying to sniff the doll. "It is ok buddy, you're still daddy's number 1 boy." I try not to yell "Aww!" at the top of my lungs at the sight in front of me. I take the baby and teach Matt to burp it. He still looks kind of unsure and when he attempts it, he goes way too gently, but he will learn.

"It will probably go to the bathroom now that it ate so let's see what food we want to grab and wait before we head to my house." We walk to the kitchen and Matt starts showing me everything they have. We decide to just grab some snack foods since the fridge is stocked already with pre-made meals Nick left Matt. I guess Nick just assumed it would be a full house while he was gone, because there are enough meals in here to feed a football team.

"Ok, besides more junk food than we need, what else do we need?" Matt asks and I look at my list.

"Ok, so a few more outfits for Conor since you have now gotten both the ones he came with dirty." Matt goes to protest but I point out Malcolm's drool all over the onesie and he quickly shuts his mouth. "Also bottles because I am not getting up in the middle of the night to wash that one."

"Ok also maybe something for him to sleep in so Malcolm can't eat him while we sleep?" I laugh at the large dog who has been suspiciously eyeing the doll since we walked in with it. Matt looks at the doll in his arms and then at Malcolm. "Buddy, Conor isn't food! Don't eat him, then daddy will have to go to.....," he looks around and then softly says, "Ohio State." We both laugh and Malcolm barks at the baby as it makes little noises making us laugh harder.

"Ok we can get one of those like fold up cribs, they should be cheap." We wait a little bit longer trying to get Malcolm to not hate Conor but give up after we change his diaper, deciding he will not be warming up to the doll anytime soon.

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