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She wasn't afraid to die.

Rather, an odd calm spread through her body.

Did Jimin feel the same?

Does it really feel so exalting when you are going away for good?

She could hear murmurs, but they were too muffled. Too muffled by her own thoughts. Even so, she could sense the spear being handed to the leader. The clanking of her ornaments as she lifted her hands.

But the blow never came. Rather, a tap on her shoulder, and then on the other.

Wait, what?

Eyes opening slowly, she looked up at Kara to see her smiling. Everyone was on their knees, their fists on their heart.

And that's when she realised.

They accepted her as a warrior.

She won the alliance.

"You were brave till the end. Not everyone fights for someone like you did, like a true warrior would."

Is this really happening?!

Y/n wanted nothing more than to squeal and jump with happiness, but at the moment, her physical conditions weren't allowing that. The leader held out her hand, which Y/n gladly took to stand back up.

She was seconds away from being killed. And now she is standing alive.

"Thank you." She whispered. "You have no idea, I will never forget this gesture."

"Thank you, for not giving up. You can end this all. You will, I know, I have seen it now." Kara squeezed her hand. "Jimin would be proud of you."

She immediately looked up, giving into her emotions and hugging the woman. "I am sorry for killing your people. I know it is so hard to lose someone you love."

Kara hugged her back. "They will live on in our hearts."

"Alpha, we need to treat to her wounds." One of the guards said.

"Come on tiger, let's get you stitched up." She chuckled.

A cot was brought in by the nurses of the clan and then she let her conscious slip.


Someone was very aggressively whispering as she tried to open her eyes, but they didn't budge.

Pain. Her whole body pained with every breath she took.

Why can't I move?

Ugh, this is so restive!

"How long till she wakes up?" A voice in the room asked.

Oh fuck.

"Any moment now, she has been gone for five hours. It would have taken her lesser time if her body wasn't so sleep deprived." The unknown woman, who must be the nurse chuckled at the end.

"Thank you for treating her." A few voices spoke together.


The clicking of the doorknob notified Y/n that she is now alone, with the people who will probably skin her live the moment she opens her eyes. Specifically one of them.

She tried opening her eyes again, and when she did, their reactions were not expected. Namjoon and Jungkook were the first one to come at her sides and hug her tight.

To The Void [kth X reader]Where stories live. Discover now