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Till the time they reached the city, the sun was setting and the sky was coloured in a light shade of orange and the streets illuminated by the bright lights from the shops and houses. There weren't a lot of people, but the congested roads made it seem crowded. BTS kept their senses alert, looking keenly at every living being. 

"They should be here, what the hell." Yoongi murmured.

"Shouldn't we ask someone?" Jin asked.

"And risk our identity being exposed? I don' think so." Namjoon spoke firmly, making others give out a frustrated sigh.

"That's what you and Jin are for! Use your po--"

"Powers? Yeah no. Let's not waste them just yet." Jungkook interrupted Yoongi.

They kept stopping at random stalls, to either engage in a small chat or ask for directions of a hotel.

"Hi, um, actually I was here with my family and I have lost them, have you perhaps seen a guy and a girl in all black roam around?" Yoongi asked one of them, ignoring Namjoon's previous instruction and giving it a shot.

"No my son, I haven't." the old man said in a frail voice. "But if you need a place to stay....my grandson can guide you to a guest house." he weakly smiled.

"Yes, that would be great!" he showed his gummy smile, making the old guy's face brighten up.

"Deltis!" he yelled and coughed a bit. Soon a boy around Y/n's age came running from behind somewhere.

"You called pa?" he asked, then eyeing Yoongi as a stranger would.

"Go and show him the guest house to stay." 

"Sure, come this way...." he said disinterestedly and started walking.

Yoongi made eye contact with Jimin, subtly telling the others to follow them with a slight tilt of his head.

Jimin got the signal and gathered everyone to stealthily follow the other two.

They silently followed him till they reached a sophisticated house, well lit from inside. The rest of the BTS stayed at a distance, pretending to not know anything of their surroundings.

"That's it....I would have shown you the safe house but it's reserved for.........some other people." he said with a bored expression.

Us, it'was for us. Yoongi thought, but thanked the boy anyway. 

"It has three big rooms and all other necessary services, and it's one coin per week." Deltis spoke, his eyes now hopeful.

Yoongi understood he was asking for the rent. So fishing out a coin from his pouch he gave it to him with a smile. The little boy looked at the coin with fascinated eyes before shooting him a grateful smile and running back into the market.

He looked up at the house once again before entering it.

He looked up at the house once again before entering it

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