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"Hey have you seen that movie, Hunger Games?" Y/n asked Taehyung while they trekked on the hill. They left their previous spot and started towards the city. Since the others were ahead of them, they thought city would be as far as they would have gone.

"No? But I have heard of it, yeah."

She turned to him with a panic-stricken expression. "Remind me to set up a movie marathon for you when we get back. It is such a good movie! It's almost like all this." she motioned around her and then turned back.

"Pretty sure don't wanna relive this." Taehyung muttered to himself, inaudible to Y/n.

"Did you check the map?" he asked her while she kept her pace ahead of him. 

"No? I thought you did."

He clicked his tongue and tapped the stone. A hologram illuminated up and he started scrolling around. "City is under radar, so if they were there, the dots would be visible. Seems like they are behind us."

"Hm hm, so we'll stay there till they get here." she slowed her speed so that Taehyung was now walking beside her. "Is there any other civilization around here?" her eyes were big and lips parted as she concentrated on the hologram infront of her. 

Taehyung noticed these little habits of hers and was absolutely in love with them. Like how her nose scrunched when she didn't understand something. Or how she laughed extremely loudly on literally everything. This also reminded him of Jimin, his best friend. Then she was an extremely happy go round person like Hobi. Her persona reflected traces of the seven of them and he took it to be the reason why she related to everyone on different levels. 

"I couldn't locate any, no." he replied.

He would get sudden anxiousness about how would the others be. They were never apart.
For them, one less than seven meant zero and right now, they were two broken parts of the same soul. But then he looked at the always positive goofball with him, who never forgot to remind him of how strong they are.

"Then they would have to take a stop here, this is the only way forward, look." she swiped her fingers along the map, showing the extent of the city. "It's like there is no way around it, one would definitely have to cross through."

"You think it's a set up?" Taehyung closed the map and looked at her seriously.

"Isn't this all a set up?" 

"Yeah but in the sense that there might be something waiting for us there." his skin crawled as he imagined much worse and horrendous creatures than in the demo game.

Y/n just shrugged at the thought, not wanting to cloud her mind at the time when she needs a clear head to act on the situation.


He looked at her with a slight pout, which she believed, appeared when he was in a deep thought. Her lips automatically quirked up on seeing his face. And it made her wonder if what she is feeling is just her love towards her idol or something else towards the person he actually is.

"I was wondering if you could, maybe.............sing for me?" she shied away as she completed her sentence.

And even when Taehyung clearly understood what she said, a little fun never harmed anyone, did it?

"Huh? What was that?" he asked dubiously, walking idly with his hands in his pockets like they are not at all in a death game. 

She looked at him with narrowed eyes, catching up on his teasing. "You know exactly what I said."

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