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Jimin woke up to butterfly kisses being peppered on the side of his face to his jaw and trailing down to his neck. 

"Mmmm" he hummed contently, tilting his head to provide more access to Jungkook, who got the sign and chuckled. He turned Jimin's face to him, making the elder crack his eyes open. He placed a kiss on his lips and smiled widely.

"Morning baby."

Jimin wrapped his hands around his neck and pulled him down, kissing him for longer time. Jungkook laughed while getting above Jimin and settling between his legs, entangling his tongue with Jimin's. 

"Morning Kook." he spoke between the kiss. Jungkook stroked his bare waist while Jimin tugged him down by his hair.

Jungkook laid down on the smaller's body, making him choke for his breath. "You big boulder!" he coughed out while playfully hitting his back. Jungkook just giggled and shifted a bit, releasing Jimin from his weight.

"You are just so small, I wanna keep you protected." Jungkook kissed the tip of his nose, earning a laugh from him.

"I am still older than you, so stop talking like I am a little." Jimin poked his chest, glaring at him.

"No, you are my baby." he pulled him in a embrace and nuzzled his head into his hair.


This one word made Jimin squeal internally. Sighing into the hug for once, he didn't worry about being in this stupid game.

"Guys! We got Deltis!" Hoseok alerted them from outside the door, bursting their little bubble.

Both gave each other a defeated look before getting into the serious mode and leaving the bed.


If people saw Jikook last night, no one could have told these were the same people who stood towering over the boy, giving the coldest look ever.

"I don't know what you want man! Just let me go." he gritted, trying to shake out from the shackles.

"You might just have what we are looking for. So either you give it to me....." Jungkook spoke, his voice sending shivers to even his members who stood outside the questioning room.

"Or else what?" he snapped.

Instead of being shocked like the others, Jungkook smirked and lowered down to his level. "Or else, I will take it from you."

"And I assure you.....it. won't. be. pretty." Jimin's velvety smooth but sharp voice made Deltis gulp.

This made Y/n wonder if they would actually torture him. She hated the guy for some reason and couldn't give two shits about him, but the humane part of her was reluctant with the thought.

"You talk about all this stuff instead of doing anything. It really makes me wonder if you have it in you." he smirked.

Outside the room, Y/n turned away from the two way mirror and faced the guys. "It's obvious, he has been through worse shit to get scared by this. Talking will get us no where." she sighed and looked back inside.

"Are you suggesting real torture?" Taehyung asked.

"We don't have a choice." she shrugged.

"He hates you, you hate him. I think you should go vex him." Jin suggested.

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