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"Why didn't we question him?" Hoseok asked Namjoon who was sauntering in the front of the group, climbing the stairs to the house.

"We got all what we needed to know, don't worry." He said nonchalantly.

"Hold up." Jungkook came infront of him making him halt. "Did you use your powers?"

"I most certainly did."

All the eyes widened and they gasped. 

He went past Jungkook and everyone shared a confused look before rushing behind him. 

If they were in a cartoon, a sharp screech could have been heard as they abruptly stopped when Namjoon halted. They looked from behind him to see Y/n relaxedly sipping water while sitting cross legged on the kitchen counter.


Not the girl who was in flames just few moments ago.

"Do we see this as a calm before the storm?" Hoseok whispered to them.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "You guys are so dramatic." His voice grabbed Y/n's attention. She jumped off the counter and looked at them with raised eyebrows.


"The map's at the safe house. That's what the hint meant by it being safe but we, not."

"Seriously? The safe house?" Yoongi couldn't believe this stupidity. Safe house was just too easy to hide such an important thing. 

"Why? What's wrong?" Y/n asked.

"It seems....."

"Too easy."

Yoongi nodded at Jin. 

"What are we supposed to do now?" Hoseok asked, settling down on the couch with the others.

"Obviously go there and get it." Y/n added.

"It's not grocery shopping!" Taehyung said a bit harshly. Y/n was startled and looked at him with an open mouth.

"What else can we do Taehyung?! We can't sit around and do nothing! We. Have. To. Go!"

"We need a plan!"

"He is right Y/n, we can't be reckless." Yoongi rubbed her shoulder. Y/n huffed out and glared at Taehyung while he glared back.

"Only two of us will go." Jin declared. "Others will stay here as backup."

"But which two?" Jungkook asked and everyone started thinking.

"I think I should be the one." Jimin raised his hand. "Because I can easily channel powers, right? So it would be useful."

Silent nods approved him as one of the two-member team.

"Who do you think should go with you?"

"Not Jungkook." he casually replied making the younger furrow his eyebrows. "Because I would be only paying attention to his safety and not the map." he explained.

The others cooed at the look that they gave each other but went back to business mode.

"I'll go." Taehyung shrugged.

"Why not me?" Y/n argued, giving Taehyung an angry look. She wanted to prove that she is worth something and not only be protected. She wanted to show that she could do something apart from being reckless.

"Because I said so."

"And who are you to stop me?" she shot back.

To The Void [kth X reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora