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"What do you mean by demo?!" Jimin yelled and took a threatening step forward, making the girl back away. Namjoon grabbed his arm, stopping him from going further and glared at Zephyr questioningly. The others had a raging anger inside them. Just to think that maybe you have come one way closer to going home and BAM! they made a clown of us. 

Enjoy motherfuckas.

"This was just to make you aware of your powers and the kind of creatures and situations you will be put through. The real game would start today."

None of us said anything. 

Our minds were a whirlwind of thoughts. We could have died before the real game even began. 

"Is there anything else that we should know?" Yoongi asked through gritted teeth, his fists clenching and an unsettled look on his face.

"There will be no checkpoints, just survival. Live your way through the path to Mortem. But yes, there are some additional instructions that you need to take care now. You can only teleport three times a day and can use your special abilities 7 times."

"That's totally absurd! We won't survive for long!" Jin exclaimed. Everyone nodded their heads and shouted words of disagreement.

"I am sorry, but I can do nothing about it. Play well!" and she started to vanish.

We looked around helplessly when she completely disappeared. Yoongi grabbed a mannequin and threw it out through the glass, shattering it to pieces. Taehyung raked his hand roughly through his hair and leaned down on the counter. Namjoon went to look around the store, followed by other hyungs, and the two maknaes walked outside to look for any NPC's for some help.

Taehyung remained on his spot, his head now between his arms, his shoulders moving slightly. My insides clenched at seeing him cry, slowly I walked to him to comfort him.
"Don't cry Tae." I murmured in his ear.

A hasty sob escaped his lips, and then he leaned into me. His hand found mine and held it like his life depended on it. We stayed like that, in each others comfort. He said nothing the whole time but gradually his sobs stopped and he went completely silent.

"Y/n?" his voice quivered, he stood straight and looked at me. His eyes red and puffy, cheeks having streaks of dried tears.

"What is it Tae?" I search his eyes, looking for any traces of hope.
There were none.

He gave a shy smile before speaking. "I like it when you call me Tae." 

My expressions changed from worried to that of complete warmth. "If you like it, then that's what I'll call you from now on."

"You better, because I cherish the little things a lot. And in this unexpected and unreal situation, even the smallest trace of affection or support means the world to me." he sadly smiled.

Taehyung wanted to feel normal, unlike what the reality was, because back home, he never lived a normal life and here he can't live at all. Instead of being whiny, he kept on seeing the positive side of the little things.
And maybe.........just maybe that's what we needed to keep ourselves sane.

Our moment was interrupted with sounds of vehicles from far away. The hyungs came out from deep inside the store and had a frustrated face. "What is that sound?" Hoseok asked.

"Sounds like------"

"BIKES!!! RUN!!!" Jimin's scream from outside, completing Yoongi's sentence.

To The Void [kth X reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz