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"Is it just me or you can hear that too?" Taehyung announced from the front of their little 'flock'. Concentrating on any sound that came apart from the hard flap of their wings, their eyes widened as they recognised the voice.

"Wa-was that...." Jungkook's voice became soft and hopeful. They all stopped right in the middle of a cloud clearing. Below them was the vast expanse of green land and around them were the fluffy cotton candy like clouds.

"It can be a trap as well. Guards up." Jin instructed. And swiftly they circled around, their arms up with glowing magic and their ears perked up for any disturbance. The surroundings had got eerily silent. Just like on the first checkpoint.

"Guys?!" The same voice echoed from somewhere in the clouds.

"No." Namjoon breathed out. Their breath was stuck inside. It couldn't be true. They saw him die. This is some twisted shit. They could practically hear their heartbeats in their ears. A dark silhouette started to become visible. The wings similar to them started to scatter the clouds around him. Nothing could have prepared them for what....or rather who emerged from the fog.

"Jimin?" Yoongi quacked.

"It's been a while." He looked relieved and happy as the fog beside him subsided.

"This......this isn't real....." Hoseok whispered. 

Jungkook slowly floated to the front of the group, his eyes teary and his lips trembling. "What is my favourite colour?" 

Jungkook was stopped by Taehyung from going any further till it is confirmed that Jimin is actually here.

"Jungkook-ssi, if you wanna confirm that I am Jimin or not, then you should come up with tougher questions than that." Jimin smiled, his eyes crinkling from the edges. "By the way, it's yellow."

Jungkook really really wanted to fly to him and hug the shit out of him if it wasn't for Taehyung holding him back. 

"Tell all of ours birth dates." Namjoon said with a croaked voice. 

Taehyung was looking hopefully at him. Y/n remained at the end of the group, unsure of what to do and Hoseok stayed beside her. As Jimin started to list the dates, Taehyung's eyes stopped below his floating figure. Some small clouds had started to collect below him. He had never seen clouds moving like this until and unless wind was blowing. And even if the wind blows, clouds don't move towards each other and then stop. The weird phenomenon was pushed back in his mind as he noticed Jimin's figure did not have a shadow on the cloud. 

It was just an illusion. 

The impostor was still stating the dates and looking at Namjoon. Taehyung took this opportunity to signal everyone to look down at his feet, even Jungkook, who took a deep breath. 

Who was he kidding? He isn't coming back.

"See? I am your Jimin." He started to come a bit forward when Y/n blasted her energy at him, making him vanish in the air.

"Let's get out of here, fast!" Namjoon grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him with himself. The others followed swiftly behind them, dreading the arrival of something new.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jin exclaimed. He kept looking back to check they didn't have anyone following them.

"Someone's coming, obviously." Hoseok spat. He was so sure that the royals at Mortem don't even have a little bit of humanity in them. Either kill them or just let them go. Treating them like a fucking pig infront of the tigers, enjoying the way the seven of them are running away from the stupid creatures. This is so unfair. He made a mental note to catch hold of people at Earth and smack some sense into them. But logically they didn't have a choice. It was either lose earth or lose eight every ten years.

"You think it's Gantis?!" Y/n yelled.

"Could be!" Yoongi replied from behind her. 

Jungkook was finally in his right senses and opened his hologram to look for some place. "I don't think we should be staying in a safe house anymore. We'll rent some pla---oh hey, there's a cottage 5 miles from here."

"Then let's speed up." Taehyung flapped his wings harder and so did everyone else.

So far, no one has appeared on their radar or any discrepancy has been faced. The clouds started to become thinner and the grassland changed to thick forest. Jin decided they should make the rest of the journey on foot so as to not miss the cottage. 

Walking through the thick clump of trees, Y/n looked over at Taehyung who was giving her a pointed look. She immediately averted her eyes. She had no idea how scared Taehyung got when she ran into the horde. His heart felt like it stopped till she came back. The same morning she said she isn't going anywhere and at the moment when she disappeared down the stairs, he felt like she did. 

"We are here." Jungkook announced. "Hoseok and Yoongi will check the perimeter in the west, Joon and Jin should go to east and I'll secure the borders."

"What about us?" Y/n asked. She did NOT want to stay anywhere near Taehyung. She knew he was angry and there was no way in hell he is gonna let it go.

Jungkook's eyes flickered to Taehyung before meeting hers again. "I believe you have something to talk about."

He nodded at Taehyung. "Let's go guys." He addressed the others and left.

Y/n, with quick small steps went inside the cottage, hoping to escape Taehyung's wrath. She didn't even have the time to register the surroundings when Taehyung gripped her wrist and pulled her in one of the rooms.

Shoving her inside he closed the door behind him, looking at her darkly. "You are in so much trouble Y/n."

And at that moment, she was more turned on than scared.


He smirked.

"Your smuts won't satisfy you anymore."


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