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Artemis sat on the floor of her room. Her eyes concentrated on the bed that she faced, back hunched and jaw loose. It was like, she is there but she is not at the same time. The tiredness of working three days in continuity has deprived her of any will to keep her eyes open. But she did because she has to complete the modification of the weapon.

The weapon they call Night Illicit Material or simply Nim13 , has been used in the game before, with the obvious intention to harm the group. But Artemis had always found a way for it to not damage and rather help them. The thought made her smile faintly. How the clouds gathered below Jimin's impostor to hint them of the falseness, or how the in charge Goink was pushed forward, or how Lopla was given a house to live in. Not that it would have mattered but Jin wanted her safe so Artemis arranged just that.

The Royals never know what's going on in the game, after all, they trust Artemis. They trust her because they think she doesn't know her other team members, who the royals claimed to have kept a captive if she doesn't do as said are already dead.

The five who survived.

One of them being Artemis, or Kayla, the name no one calls her anymore. She still remembers the day the last time her team mates called her Kayla, after that, the Royals cursed her to become a spirit and bound her to Mortem. The others were made captive and used as a leverage against her. She knows they killed her friends, but she still works for the Royals, secretly sabotaging their plans and helping the new team of eight that is here.

The sound of the beeping machine from the bedside notified her of Nim13 being completely remodeled and ready to cause destruction, much to her dismay. Earlier, the Royals didn't inspect it so Artemis fully changed it's programming to help the team, but this time, they want it to be tested.

"Lady Artemis?" A guard called out of her chambers. "Their Majesties demand your presence in the court."

"I'll be there." She replied.

"You called for me, Your Majesties?" Artemis bowed to King Asinus and Queen Canis, who sat on their throne, the shadows made by the glaring sun touching the foot of their seats, a seat made by the blood and flesh of innocent, of lies and power.

"When will the weapon modified?" The Queen's cold voice resonated in the hall, running a chill down the council people.

"I-It's ready. I had to restart it and then load new data so I---"

Asinus lifted his hand up, stopping the spirit mid-sentence. "We need not know the tedious know-how of the work is being done. We just have to test it once today's updates are finished."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Well." Canis tilted her neck, passing a menacing smile to the girl. "Update us about the game." She gestured at the people sitting in the room.

Artemis nodded. "We have successfully ripped them off their loved one-Jimin."

As soon as she finished the sentence, cheers of joy erupted in the hall as the council people clapped.

Sadistic motherfuckers.

Artemis wanted nothing more than to slice each one's head off. She hated what happened to her all those years back, and now the new team will go through the same.

"And?" Asinus raised his eyebrow.

"And with Gantis now leading his army to the war, it won't be long till they reach here."

"With all due respect your majesty." A council man stood up. "Why don't we kill them in the game itself?"

The Queen smiled. "Because crushing hopes is best when they are high."

"Oh and they'll be so high once they come face to face with our weapon. It would destroy them in no seconds." The King added.

"Can we see it?" Another woman asked.

"Artemis, bring the weapon."The King instructed.

She disappeared with a nod and blipped back with the weapon standing by her side.

The predatory grin presented itself on the royals' faces, the council standing up to get a better view of the thing that could cause so much damage.

"Wake it." Queen ordered Artemis.

Enchantments flew from her hands as they engulfed the man standing beside her.

His eyes flew open, the brown irises changing to a bright purple a blank and cold look in them, pupils dilated, and brain washed.

The King smirked.

"You know what to do Park Jimin."


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