[60] Part 2

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I ensured everyone was comfortably seated  in my study at home. I got two bottles of whisky or something stronger than because I felt it was going to come in handy. While I handed Boyce a bottle and a glass, I settled into my seat with the other.

Bridget and Michelle were excluded from them. A stool was placed in the middle of the room for Mich to seat on while the journal was handed over to her.

So much for a book reading. I chuckled lightly. Then she began flipping to the very first page.


We all have chapters of our lives we would rather keep unpublished. I have been confined only by the walls I built myself a long time ago.

If you're reading this now, it means either I am dead or I am beyond recognition but either ways I have poured my soul into answering the very questions I watched building up in the eyes and hearts of you all.

I know I was not the best of mothers, infact to my son Bryan I was an evil monster who gave birth to him, that I could understand because I did alot of hurtful things to him.

I was not the woman you all knew and loved when you were much younger. I changed, I transformed, I translated into something worse than a beast, all that you will come to discover as you read on.

I exhaled heavily peering at their faces. Bryan was already on his third glass and yet the journey was very far. Those things they usually say that the truth was always very heavy.  I really hoped their hearts could take what was to come.

"Carry on babe" Bryan beckoned on me.

It all began Thirty five years ago before I married your father, Alexander Benjamin Brent. I met his younger brother Evans who was serving then in the millitary. We were so in love with each other.

"What?" Everybody said bewildered and in unison. I just shook my head while bracing myself for more.

After dating for about a year, I met Alex, he was so handsome that I couldnt resist his charm, we immediately began a relationship.  I know I may sound like a whore or selfish but I couldnt let go of any of the brothers.

Alex was rich so we eventually got married six months after we met but that did not stop me from being in an affair with Evans.

"What the hell?" Boyce growled lightly, his face flushed with a clenched fist by his sided. Bryan on the other side was blushing with thoughts like he understood how this all worked while Bridget sat up with a furrowed brow and opened mouth.

Mary Brent's confession be exhuming alot of body languages and emotions. "Sorry, should I stop here?" I asked turning to Bryan who just answered by shaking his head lightly.

"Okay" I continued. Later that year, Evans got married to Diana and I thought it was over between us but it continued till I discovered  I was pregnant. That was when he got deployed to Germany. I was too scared and certain that it was Evan's child so I lied to Alex and took a nine months trip to Germany to be with Evans.

There, I delivered the child, it was boy. He was very handsome but i couldn't take him with me. So Evans took him and gave to Diana and she raised him as her son since she couldnt get pregnant.

Returning back to the US, I decided to bury myself entirely into work and the company but then James Benson, Alexander's best friend discovered my secret with Evans and the pregnancy and started blackmailing me into sleeping with him.

Diana, Evan's wife, a very beautiful and adorable lady, also found out about I and her husbands affair and threatened to report to Alex. So I killed her with RICIN And after her death Evans was redeployed back to the States.

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