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"Tell your little tramp to stop snooping around. First and final warning"... 

I read the text over and over and over again. Who was this person? And what was this about? Was this a threat? I couldn’t understand the context of his message seriously. I flung the phone to the side.

Just then, the door to my office flung opened as a man who was as tall as i was, strolled in followed by Millie behind who was trying to stop him.

"I’m sorry sir” she raised her hands in apology.

"It’s ok Millie" I nodded.

The man looked around my office and nodded before extending his hands to me in a bid for a handshake and I reciprocated. "I’m Parker.... Parker Brent” he introduced himself taking a seat.

"Wh....what....!” my eyes widened and mouth opened... instantly as I stared at him puzzled. I saw a slight resemblance to Boyce on his face. I really did not understand what was going on?

“Who are you?” I glared at him, scrutinizing from his head up down.

"I'm your brother, I mean your eldest brother” he laughed sarcastically.

I scoffed. "The only brother I have is Boyce” I remarked sternly. “You may bear the name Brent but that does not mean we are related. Besides what do you want?”

He looked at me, his eyes turning red, his face stiffened and I could see his facial muscles - anger was looming.

"Maryrose Brent killed my mother in cold blood. She tried killing me too and snatched me away from my father.” He stated.

I didn’t know when I laughed out so hard that my stomach began to hurt. "Oh! Really” I exclaimed.

“Way to go Bryan. Wow! so now I have a brother who I never knew existed for the past..... How long again?” I laughed even louder....., my life was beginning to get more interesting I fussed.

Parker smiled annoyingly "You can keep laughing all you want but the truth remains. I've been away for like twenty three years. When your mother tried to hurt me thirty years ago, I was saved by a good Samaritan who whisked me away to London because she threatened to end my life no matter what it cost her.”

I looked at him still confused, my head was spinning. I just lost my girlfriend, well not literally but she moved out of my house, Boyce's trial was tomorrow and here I was listening to some useless confession from a man who claimed to be my brother - not only that also pegging my mother as a murderer...

"I think I need a drink” I walked over to the wine bar and helping myself to a glass of whisky. I offered him also and he accepted thanking me. I’d hoped the drink will help me take a hold of myself so I don’t lose me.

He continued to divulge the information, how he suffered and went through hard times when he’s father was wealthy. How he struggled to become who he was and where he was today and blah blah blah.

"So what do you want? Why did you come back?” I questioned feeling highly irritated and curious.

"Revenge and revenge” he smirked... “I swore to payback every evil done to my mother and myself.”.

"I beg your pardon” I reprimanded. “If you wanted revenge then why show your face to me?” I began to get pissed off...

"Because revenge is sweeter when you know your enemy” he leered at me and stood, gulped down all his drink and stepped toward the door.

Then he spun "See you in court tomorrow and say hi to your girlfriend for me" then walked out of my office.

I was full of rage, my temperature rose; the alcohol was getting to me. I needed more; the glass wasn’t giving me the quantity I desired. I picked up the bottle and drank directly from it, yet it was still not helping.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now