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I didn’t realize I’ve been asleep for the past twenty four hours. When I opened my eyes, I instantly recognized the room. It was our bedroom in Bryan's house. I was home. I let out a smile and a sigh of relief.

As I spun around on the bed, Bryan was sitted by the chair at the window, his eyes met mine.

"Hey cupid” he smiled and came up to the bed; he sat beside me, as I tried to sit up, he pulled me into a tight hug and I leaned into his chest.

"I missed you” he kissed me lightly on my forehead and lips. Oh I wanted more of that, my tongue was aching to feel his but he stopped and pulled back.

He looked at me and ran the back of his fingers along my face sending cold shivers down my spine. I moved closer, closing the gap between us, throwing my hands across his neck, I leaned into him again pressing my lips onto his for some minutes before his lips parted and locked into my mouth. We kissed so deeply, our tongues complementing each other.

He lay down beside me on the bed. My head rested on his bare chest while his hands fondled my hair. "I was worried sick about you cupid, I thought I had lost you that I became so scared” he breathed. “Thank God you're ok. I love you so much" and he kissed me gently on my lips again.

"I'm very sorry love for making you worry much" I said avoiding his gaze while tracing circles with my fingers on his chest then my hands moved down slightly above his groin grazing his shaft. He held my hands stopping it from sliding down beneath his sweatpants.

 Then he looked down at me. "You know you're still recuperating right" I nodded affirmatively. "So that means we can’t do anything right now. The doctor said there were still heavy loads of flunitrazepam in your blood, so he's gradually removing them from your system” I felt disappointed as my cheeks turned purple.

"One more thing he said tilting my head up this time around so I could look at him “I’m glad you weren't violated". Then he stared deeper into my eyes. “I would have been broken".

My heart immediately skipped a beat and I sighed. I hadn't even thought about that but how did he even know I wasn’t. Apparently I needed to go check myself since I was unconscious most of the time.

He sat up, putting on a blue sweatshirt over the black sweatpants he wore "I need to get some fresh air. Hope you don’t mind" he said walking out of the room.

I became more disappointed and surprised. What just happened? Bryan had an expression of mixed feelings. He was glad I was alive but it seemed he was also mad at something. I could feel pains, anger and jealousy rise inside of him. Inasmuch as I really wanted to feel all of him inside of me, I wasn’t fully recovered just like he said. When he said he was glad I wasn’t violated, I noticed an ounce of anger and jealousy in his voice. Was that was making him mad or could it be he was blaming me for being kidnapped?

Apparently it was my entire fault, if I hadn't agreed to meet with Quentin, all these wouldn't have happened. At the thought of him, my body stiffened and I whispered to myself "Run and hide Quentin because If I ever catch you, I'll kill you".


The next day, Taylor brought my father and Mabel to see me since I was recovering fast and was itching to see them. When they got here, my father could not contain his excitement. He kept admiring and praising Bryan for what he was seeing.

He couldn’t stop talking about how awesome Bryan was or at what he did and how magnificent the house looked. Bryan was actually a very good architect.

Mabel kept rolling her eyes at my father, even though it was also her first time here, she was acting real matured not wanting to embarrass herself by acting the way my dad did. I teased my dad for choosing Bryan over us. The man practically worships Bryan. I’m yet to find out what charm Bryan was using on my dad I voiced and we all laughed about it.

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