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She was sleeping so peacefully when I woke up that morning. I showered and dressed up in a blue patterned button down shirt with blue pants. I combed my hair which was literally getting long, I needed a haircut, and planted a kiss on her cheeks before leaving the room.

Things had actually been kinda awkward between I and Michelle since yesterday after the hospital's incidence. She had refused to have a proper talk with me.

Well, maybe we could do dinner in one of those fancy restaurants later today I thought in a way to loosen things up between  us.

As we drove through the streets, there seemed to be different protest groups here and there. Every where was so busy, I knew that Boyce's verdict had been postponed indefinitely so what was the cause of this uproar?

"Morgan, what's going on?" my voice echoed from behind.

"Sir, it's the tabloids" he answered handing his tab to me. It read "Senators Martin and Smith arrested for the murder of Alicia Lyon. My eyes widened in shock, I couldnt believe it.

This case was really getting messed up and complicated. How did they all fit into it. I had to read the whole story. it said they were suspended for insubordination for almost four months now because they had a confrontation with Boyce.

So they threatened him and the senate president that they were gonna regret their actions and voila, Alicia is murdered two months after.

I still cant believe this. Why didnt Boyce say anything all this while? How did the reporters even know about this? Wait - I flashed back to a day when Mich was lamenting on how she tried gaining audience with these guys and it wasnt possible.

Could she be the one behind this story? I pondered as I walked into the office building.

I had a very important meeting scheduled for today. So when i got up to my office, I settled in briefly and moments later, went in for the meeting.

I also beckoned on  Millie to make dinner reservations for two later in the evening, precisely 7pm.

I sat at my moms bedside that morning, admiring how beautiful she looked and wishing she came out of the coma.

Bryan had left for work earlier even before I woke up and later texted me that he had a very important meeting to attend.  He said the meeting was with his auditors and his board of directors.

People will think that because I now date the boss, therefore i should stop working but nah, it was different. i still work for my boyfriend because I loved my job.

So it was like nothing had really changed, only that my head and colleagues now treats me differently with more caution and respect which I admit is actually cool.

He even wanted giving me my own personal office but I declined besides I was still a junior staff regardless.

My father walked in surprised at seeing me.
"Peanut, you're here" he pulled me into a hug.

"Yes dad, how have you been?" I moved my eyes over his body.  "Dad have you been feeding well" I asked him. "You know mum wouldnt like us starving"

I hugged him some more. "Its not that baby" he stuttered for words.

"Then what is it" I asked worried as i lowered him to sit on the chair while i sat on the bed.

"Its draining......, your mum's health is draining us financially" He lamented. "Two days ago, our insurance officer called me. We've exceeded it, they say they can't pay any longer plus the doctors are suggesting we pull the plug out of her"

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now