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“I can’t believe you mother, how dare you?”  I shouted as soon as I stormed into my mother’s office boiling hot with anger. She flickered her eyes on me and turned her attention back to what she was doing.  I raked my hands through my hair. Seriously, did she just ignore me like I wasn’t here? Then I slammed my palms on her table hard causing her to jerk.

She lifted her head up slowly and looked at me with cold eyes “Bridget Dinah Brent! I assume you’re not okay. Why are you here?” She bellowed.

“Mother, how could you” How could you put up Bryan's house for sale and arrest all of his domestic staffs only because they refused to vacate the property?

She scoffed. “You’re causing a nuisance because of that?”


“Need I remind you that Bryan is dead! He is dead and I have every right to sell off his properties”

“You have no right mom” I growled “And stop saying Bryan is dead so casually. It hurts! He was your son”

She gave a half smile shaking her head. “Are you shouting at me because of that LEECH?”

“Mother, stop it” I warned. She has a name and its Michelle and Bryan loved her very much for your information. And I’m yelling because I care about Bryan”.

“Whatever! It would have been a lot better if she had died” she mumbled rising from her seat and walking across the room to the wine bar. She poured a wine for herself and turned to me. “Your insensitivity and stupidity has caused me a headache”

I rubbed my eyes feeling frustrated. This woman was pure evil. I’m so ashamed calling her my mother. Since this approach was not working, I decided to take the dialogue approach.

“Did you know that whatever her name is went and released those idiots from prison? With whose permission?" She stressed coldly. ,"Anyway I have given them a month ultimatum to vacate that estate”

“Those people were innocent. Mother please stop all these things you’re doing"  I begged slumping on a chair feeling so lightheaded. “It’s not fair. Bryan will -”

“Bryan is dead" she cut me through. "Bridget your brother is dead! And Boyce is in jail” She stressed again for the second time with a smirk across her face as she gulped her wine.

I could not believe this woman infront of me was my mother. She was a mean cold-blooded heartless bitch. How can she talk about her children like this?
“Actually Boyce is appealing”

“What……!” She stammered almost choking on her drink as she emptied her mouth's content back into the glass. “What did you just say” she asked with her mouth half opened.

I scoffed. “Boyce is appealing the judgment and hopefully he will get another hearing” 

“But how… I mean Seven said there was
nothing to be done…so whose idea was it to appeal?”

“Mother! Mother! I rose to my feet and swirled around her “what’s wrong? I thought you would be happy about it? Isn’t it good news that Boyce gets a second chance?”

“Ofcourse it is" She said faking a smile that I could see right through. She was trying to get back her composure because it seemed Boyce’s appeal news shook her off balance.

Then the door opened and Ana walked in. “Mrs. Brent. All the information for the shareholders meeting has been sent out. And you have a guest. Said his name is Evans”

“Evans” she asked shocked. Then Ana nodded affirmatively.

“Okay, I will be with him shortly.”

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now