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The court room was filled up to the brim when we got in, Boyce was already seated... I looked around and found Bryan sitted with Bridget.

He was looking so handsome in the navy blue suit he wore with white shirts. Our eyes met and he smiled at me whispering the words I love you.. I felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter...

Focus, Michelle, a voice in my head echoed.

I gazed away and noticed a young man sitted at the extreme, close to the rooms exit. I could swear he resembled Boyce but I didn’t get a clearer picture; he was dressed in all black with black shades on.

I quivered. Was that the brother Bryan talked about? I thought when suddenly, I was distracted by Harper.

The judge walked in and we rose, soon after trial began. The prosecutors called on their witnesses, one of which was the security guy, who was in the control room on the said day. He narrated that Boyce had left the hotel as rightly established but had returned an hour later because the footage showed someone who looked like him....

"This is not happening" I murmured as I sent Bryan a message. "Could it be Parker who murdered Alicia?"

He received it and looked up to meet my eyes.

I typed again "If the footage showed someone who looked like Boyce, and since we know it wasn’t him, then Parker, I'm sure".

He replied “Then, we need access to that footage to decipher"...

The footage was handed over to the judge as evidence who passed it on to the jury. We called on our witnesses, who testified that Boyce was with Senator Lyon at the said time of the incident with evidences of footage of the hotel where Boyce met with him.

After much questioning and cross examining all witnesses present, the court went on a two hour recess...

"I can’t believe you guys didn’t gain audience with Anderson and Smith” I spoke glaring at Harper and Cassidy...

“Well we tried” Cassidy spoke “but they won’t budge” Immediately I got an idea and smiled "I think I know what to do"....


How's it looking for us?”  Mary Brent asked Seven Williams.

“Well, better than last time if you ask me” he responded as we headed out. I wanted to go meet Bryan who was discussing with Jake and Sean when I mistakenly miss-stepped and almost fell to the floor. Then I felt a strong masculine hand holding me up, it wasn’t Bryan's, who was it then. I turned to look at the stranger.

"Are you ok” he asked me staring into my eyes.

He was gorgeously handsome but not as Bryan but I immediately fancied him. He was tall with short brown hairs. His muscles were toned and the black suit he wore did justice to his biceps.

"Yea..... I’m.... ok” I stammered “and thanks”.

“I'm Quentin Brown” he stretched his hands to me.

"Michelle Jones" I shook him..

"Nice to meet you" he said helping me pick up my scattered documents from the floor and handing it over to me.


"You seem good at what you do. Can we meet again .maybe in a more fitting atmosphere” He handed me his contact card. I took it from him still staring confused.

“Call me” he said with a smirk on his face as he walked out.

Who was he and why was he here in court? Of course I knew it was a public hearing and so anybody is free to be here but there was something more about him. I looked at the card on my hands, he was a U.S marine.


"Who was the guy talking to you babe?” Bryan asked once we sat down in his office with Jake and Sean. I never knew he took notice, but his possessiveness felt kinda cute - I bit my lower lips.

"He said his name was Quentin Brown, I don’t know him but he happens to be a U.S Marine” I remarked.

"US Marine? Hmmmm. So what did he want with you?” Bryan reprimanded with jealousy in his tone.

“Hey' calm down man, maybe he just wanted to be friends with her” Ollie joked.

"I saw the way he looked at her, trust me, it was the eye of more than just friends” He said holding my hands. “Hey cupid, I’m beginning to worry for your safety" he looked into my eyes and for the first time I could see fear in them.

He told us that someone sent him a threatening message asking me to stop snooping around so it was normal for him to be scared because he couldn't figure out who it was.. I assured him that he had nothing to worry about but he insisted on getting me my own personal security.

The time went by fast and by the time we got back to the court, the jury said they needed more time to come up with a decision and were asking for four weeks but requested that Boyce be placed under house arrest with maximum and tight security.

No one should be able to visit him without a court order duly signed by the judge and there were no exceptions to that. When we demanded to know their reason for his arrest, they said it was protecting the suspect until verdict was given.

The judge approved the request of the jury and that was it, but we made an appeal for his attorneys to be granted access to him whenever they wanted and the judge acknowledged it.

So the case was adjourned. Boyce was moved almost immediately by security personnel’s to his own personal home.



I needed to speak with Boyce, but much more with Maryrose Brent as soon as possible. I couldn't seem to forget the voice of Parker telling me my mother was a murderer out of my head. I know my mother can be alot of things, but a murderer - nah! Who the hell does he think he is? I hissed while dialing Morgan.....


"Morgan, I need you to dig out every information you can get on Parker Brent, James Edwards and Quentin Brown, where they come from up to their shoe sizes.... every damn thing” I instructed.


Thanks for reading guys....

Hope you enjoyed it.....

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Stay safe ❤

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