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Five days later, It was time for me to reveal myself to the world. There were rumours already going around but an exclusive press conference had be organized for me to debunk the rumours once and for all. There were hundreds of reporters waiting to pounce on the juicy news.

Boyce had advised me to do this and if possible twist the story a little to explain the reasons behind my sudden disappearance and presumed death so that Evans can be exposed. Therefore he was counting on the power of the media for justice to be meted out to Evans.

The conference room was packed full with  reporters seated. Some were scribbling down on note pads. Others were testing their mic when I walked in smiling and took my seat at the head of the table. I was accompanied by Michelle ofcourse, then Boyces media aid, Morgan and Maya.

Currently, Maya was my personal assistant though I plan on bringing back Millicent once the office here in LA is back and running.

Many of them were wide eyed shocked when they saw me. You know that saying seeing is believing. I feared many did not believe the rumours not until that very moment they saw me walk in.

Michelle squeezed my hands warmly as I sat down, then whispered into my ears softly. "You've got this babe"

I chuckled. "Okay".

Immediately there were  flashing of camera and the likes and Few minutes later the questioning began.

"Mr Brent are the rumours true? That you resurrected from death?"

I grinned widely. "Well if you put it like I defiled death, then the rumours are true" The room was filled with laughter.

"Its good to have you back Mr Brent, but why did you fake your death. Was it because you were frustrated of the huge loss Brentarc faced?"

I didn't see this question coming. Why would someone think I faked my own death.

"You see" I began. "When one runs away from a fight,  he is termed a coward and I'm not one who quits a fight. I fight till the end. So why would I fake my death?' I questioned back and the reporters eye fell down.

"Please Mr Brent is not under any obligation to answer all your questions, he would only answer those he deems fit"  Shane West, Boyce's media aid informed them.

"What really happened to you?"

"Long story short. Someone tried to kill me but unfortunately the plan didnt work, so I escaped and hibernated"

"How did you escape even when they found your body in the river?"

Most of the questions were same which I had answered before so all I did was to repeat the same answer telling them how I foresaw their plans and made my own plans in them. After I was done narrating, most of them were left astonished with their mouths either slightly or wide opened.

They could be imagining how cool I must be, I assumed owing to their body language and facial expressions.

"That was so Hollywood sir." A reporter echoed and everyone bursts into laughter. "So Where have you been hiding then?"

"New York,  London and Canada"

"Who was it that wanted you dead and has the police been informed about it?"

I took in a deep breath and looked at Michelle. She nodded approvingly and in acknowledgement.

"You all know my uncle, who is an ex-soldier of the US Army, Sgt Evans Brent?" Most of them nodded their heads in acknowledgement. "Well he was the one that wanted me dead. I know it's too hard to believe but that's what it is and yes the police is aware of it"

There were why's filtering everywhere and space int he room. They wanted to know why Evans was after my life.

"As you know, Parker Brent who claimed to be my fathers son was raised by my uncle, Evans. They are both accomplices and they want revenge on my family".

"But Mr Evans was also presumed dead some years ago, Did he fake his death as well because of the revenge he wanted?"

No answer

"So is he to be held responsible for all that befell you and senator Brent?"

"Yes. Dont you think so?"

"Are the police investigating him? because just recently, he became the acting chairman/CEO of Alpha group?"

"The police have been informed in details of all his dealings?"

"How do you feel about Senators Brent's victory?"

"Super Excited"

"I'm very sorry about your sister and Friends condition. Any update on their condition"

"Thank you so much. Well they are both in good hands and are recuperating" a sad smile spread across my face .

"Is it true that Brentarc has be reborn?"

"That's very true. In fact Brentarc is back to her feet and this time stronger and better ready to serve humanity."

"When will the head office be reopening?"

"In a months time. I need to settle in first and you're all invited for the party" I smiled.

Cheers and laughter were heard.

"When are you getting married Mr Brent?"

I laughed out. Honestly I wasn't expecting this very question. Not that I was afraid to answer it but I didnt know what to say.

"Well, I will say soon" I turned to Michelle and she blushed.

"How soon and would it be with Barr. Jones?"

I needed to be proud of her- my cupid. She meant everything to me. "Ofcourse it will be Barr. Jones. She's the woman who has captured my heart and has held it safe" I replied kissing Michelle's cheeks. 

My action caused an uproar as there were loud cheers and uncontrollably snap shots.  At that moment, I was glad Michelle was used to the news and tabloids because that was eventually gonna make headlines.

"Okay... okay" Shane raised his hands up "That's all Mr Brent can take for today. Thank you all for coming out to honour this press conference with your questions"

Then I signalled to him and whispered into his ears.

"Okay, Mr Brent has decided to answer just one more question out of his good will and he has said the question should be more constructive and clear. So whose question should it be" He challenged the reporters who were now struggling to be acknowledged.

Every hand was up in the air struggling to be seen by me. I looked intently at the reporters and noticed a very pretty lady. She'd been quiet throughout but been jotting down alot. I signalled Shane again and whispered into his ears.

"Okay" he stressed. "Mr Brent has decided his last questionnaire. The reporter on the red dress, would you do the honours of asking the last question?" He beckoned on her. She was surprised and quickly flipped through the pages of her notepad probably in search of the question.

"Why did it take you so long to appear and how did you know it was Sgt Evans that wanted you dead?"

I repeated the answer I gave to family and friends when they asked something similar.

"Many times I wanted to tell the world that I was alive yet I felt it was an opportunity given to me from above and i needed to make good use of it. So I stayed away this long to find out who my enemy really was, what he wanted, defeat him and get back to my feet" 

I rose to my feet once I said that bowing slightly.

Cheers, claps and shuttering of cameras filled the room as Morgan led the way for I and Michelle to exit the room.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now