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I walked into the hotel's reception and straight to the receptionist. She was a beautiful black lady.

"Welcome ma'am, how may I help you?” she asked smiling.

"Thank you" I smiled back removing the dark shades I wore from eyes. “Please can I get to Suite 1123?”

"Ok, one second” she pleaded dialing the room's number. After a few minutes, she gestured to a young man who led me to the elevator.

"Thanks” I said putting back the shades on as I walked away.

Moments later, I was standing infront of room 1123. It was like my presence was felt as the door flung opened and I walked in.

"You look beautiful”, he said wanting to put his hands around my waist but I shoved them away.

"You know am not here for this right"....

"Hey come on, I mean no harm, just an honest complement".

"Well thanks,” I gave a fake smile "but you better put your acts to check around me".

I sat down on a chair in the room while he sat on the seat across from me. "Drinks” he gestured to me and poured it into two glasses. He handed one over to me and sipped from his.

“Uhm” I cleared my throat. "So I'm all ears, Speak".

"You're a tough one”, he smirked at me and relaxed more on his chair. “That’s why I'm drawn to you"

“Anyways” he continued. “After our last meeting and you leaving me with a broken nose, I did alot of thinking. Like I've always told you right from time, I'm not the bad guy here”.

I glared at him and scoffed "Then prove it to me".

"Ofcourse sweetheart, that's why I decided to help you, besides I've got nothing lose. I may still end up dead anyways".

"Quentin, honestly, I do not care whether you die or not, just get to the fucking point of why am here. You asked for a serene environment and I've given you that. So please skip the sermon".


"And please be honest with me" I cut him through.

"Fine” he continued. “Two years ago I was in London when this friend of mine introduced me to this man. The guy looked rich and he needed someone to do some job for him.”

I became more curious and stared more at him.

"So when he met me, he immediately took a liken for me. He said the job location was in the States so I will have to travel. Well then I didn't know if I wanted to leave London. He gave me time to think about it and after a while I accepted it. He said the jobs where in phases and he was going to pay handsomely. He introduced me to his son and said we were going to be working together. And honestly, his son is pretty cool"

I gave him an impatient look, "so how does all these connect to Bryan?"

"Because the man was Evans Brent, his supposedly dead uncle and his son is Parker Brent, his supposedly step brother.” He emptied his glass and poured more liquid into it.

"Wha.....at” I stammered with a confused look. “So you mean Evans Brent was alive all this while?".

"Yes" he answered and stood up from the seat. He moved towards the windows and looked out backing me.

I still could not believe it. Although I suspected but I prayed it wouldn't be true.

"So what do they want?” I asked further but before he replied I stood up and walked to stand beside him. “Please tell me he wasn’t involved in the death of the Senate president's daughter.”

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now