F.E.S[Part Two]- Mark Tuan(Got7) X Male Reader

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"Did you wanna make out afterschool?", rang in Mark's head.

Why did it piss him off so much that his best friend was hitting on a boy he dearly despised?

Y/N blushed lightly,
"I'm Y/N L/N...", he says as Jackson scoots closer to him.

"I'm Jackson, Mark's friend...don't worry I'm not a complete dick like he is...", Jackson said making Y/N giggle and Mark glare at him,

"Hey! I am not a dick!", Mark says annoyed.

"Could have fooled me...", Y/N says making the entire class erupt in laughter.

"So, me and my friends were gonna go to this coffee shop...wonderin' if you wanted to go as my date?", Jackson asks winking.

"Oh I...", before Y/N could answer, Mark cuts him off saying,

"Sorry Jackson...but Y/N has some serious studying to do before he can go out... remember Y/N?", Mark asks making Y/N roll his eyes.

"Oh, piss off Mark, Why do you all of a sudden want to worry about me?", Y/N says.

Those words hurt Mark in a strange way, it wasn't like he liked the boy, he just didn't want him to date anyone...

After School...

Jackson and Y/N are laughing, and having the times of their lives as he gives the smaller male a piggy back ride to the shop.

Youngjae whispers into Mark's ear.

"I thought he'd be more...asshole-y? He seems sweet..."

"He is an asshole! Why can't anyone else see it?!", Mark asks angrily.

As they sat at the coffee shop, Y/N and Jackson held hands as Y/N leaned into his shoulder, affectionately.

Mark glared at the two, he wasn't angry with Jackson, but the fact that he was with Y/N...irritated him.

"Markie...How about we step outside for some fresh air...", Bambam says.

"Its fine...I should probably take Y/N home now...", Mark says shooting a glare at the smaller boy.

Y/N pouted, and Jackson said,
"Don't worry! I'll walk with you home!"

Mark mentally face palmed as Jackson stood up and took Y/N's hand.

As they giggled and walked to the house, Mark grew more and more annoyed.

Once they approached the house, Jackson looked to Y/N.

"Be my lab partner tomorrow?", he asks.

"We have great chemistry together!", Y/N says giggling.

Jackson smirks and the next thing makes Mark's face go red with anger.


Jackson's arms are around Y/N's waist and Y/N's hands are combing through his hair as their lips locked.

"See you tomorrow cutie...", Y/N says as Jackson blew a kiss.

Once Inside...

Y/N is taking off his coat and places his phone on his desk when Mark steps into the room.

"Stay the hell away from Jackson and my friends...", he says coldly.

"What do you mean...", Y/N says.

"First you take my room...then you take my best friend...and now you're taking my friends...Stay away from them...", Mark says turning to walk away.

"Huh, and to think you were better than that Mark...", Making Mark stop dead in his tracks.

"What the hell did you just say?", Mark asks angrily.

"Grow the hell up! How old are you? Seven? You can't just claim your group of friends and not let them talk to people...", Y/N says walking past him.

Suddenly he stops and gets in the taller male's face.

"And FYI...I'll date whoever I want, even if it's your best friend...especially if it's your best friend...", Y/N says as he turns and walks away.

Mark glares after the boy, his hands trembling as he walks off and into the garage.

The next day...

During class, Mark had been in a bad mood since yesterday, and just as he didn't think things could get worse...

He overhears Jackson say,
"So Y/N...did you uh...want to be my boyfriend...?"

A/N:I KNOW this is a Mark tuan fanfic but its Jackson FOOKING Wang...stick around for the next part!

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