Dead Man Walking(Part 8)-Daryl Dixon (TWD) X Male Reader

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Y/N sighs as he holds the baby exhausted watching Carl and Danny hanging out in the cell.
He places the baby down in her makeshift cradle to go check on Beth when Daryl walks in the cell block holding an exhausted Carol.
She smiles and gives hugs to everyone until she sees the baby.
She smiles at Rick then it falls.
C:Rick... I'm so sorry..
Rick sighs as he just turns away.
Y/N:she eats like a horse...speakin' of which... we're runnin' low on baby formula...
M:me and glenn will go! Its the least we can do Y/N...
Y/N:thank you guys...
Glenn smiled.
G:no problem!
The two scurry off to the car where they go off to get the formula for the baby.
Many hours later...
The baby is almost done with her last bottle when Y/N starts to get worried about where Glenn and Maggie are...
He goes outside to see if they came back yet only to see everyone staring at two women covered in blood.
One woman is darker while the other is smaller and has blonde hair and light skin.
Y/N gulps.
Y/N:Rick...she knows our names...
The walkers start closing in on them and they see that the other woman has a basket with baby formula.
They open the gate just in time for them to save the collapsed women and get the baby formula.
Soon Y/N cleans the Blondie off and realizes...
Y/N:oh my god! Amy!
Y/N hugs the girl as Daryl,Carl,Danny and Rick hug her.
AM:guys...this is Michonne...
AM:she's over in some other group...
AM:yup! Daryl...your brother...he's alive...
Daryl looks at Y/N.
D:I need to find em'!
R:wait a minute...where did y'all get this formula?
AM:Michonne got a good look of the people while I hid under a car...
M:It was a pretty girl...and an Asian guy... I seen the man who took them...
R:what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Y/N:I'm coming too!
D:over mah' dead body! I'm not risking you-
Y/N: so I should risk you?
R:What if someone here has an emergency...?
Y/N:Hershel and Carol can take care of the group while I'm gone... best not get captured!
Y/N:I can handle myself...
Y/N,Michonne,Oscar,Daryl and Rick all piled into the car and drove off to get back Maggie and Glenn.
They parked their car on the road and snuck through until they got into a building.
They heard an older man going to walk in and sure enough he came in.
?:I heard ya' y'all can't hide!
Rick pistol whipped him in the belly and went to kill the scared man off.
?:please! Please don't kill me!
Y/N's eyes softened as Rick pointed his gun at him.
YN: Rick! This is a rescue mission...not a takeout... We don't have time for this...
The group snuck through buildings until they finally seen Maggie and Glenn curled up in a corner.
Y/N's eyes widened seeing Maggie topless and he instantly gave her his jacket and went to work checking on Glenn.
Y/N:what did they do?
G:h-he touched her...
M:he did not touch me! He sepereated us and then brought a walker in here to kill Glenn...
They seen the walker on the floor with a chair leg through his forehead and heard people coming.
Daryl handed Rick a smoke bomb and they let it loose and ran.
However no one noticed Daryl stay behind to talk to his brother.
Suddenly a woman wearing a flannel shirt and a baseball cap hit him with a gun.
He fell to the ground.
?:Y'all i caught one!
The woman started to shout but Y/N kicked her knee making her yell in pain and he pierced her throat with his knife and ran to catch up with the group.
They all met up at the car despite Y/N insisting on looking for Daryl.
R:here's the plan...Michonne,Glenn,and Y/N stay at the car while me, Maggie and Oscar go back to get Daryl...
Y/N:fuck that...I'm going to get my husband!
G:I'm not letting Maggie near the man who hurt us!
R:Y/N... Glenn's in critical condition... He needs your help...
Y/N:he just has a black eye and some bruises! That isn't gonna require me to do surgery on him!
The four set off to get Y/N's husband.
They waited in an alleyway watching Daryl and Merle in the middle of the ring with people chanting wanting them to fight and die.
Maggie made the first shot, shooting a young woman through her heart.
The crowd went into panick and Y/N made the second shot at a middle-aged woman with her hair in ponytails and wore a tank top with short shorts.
Sure enough they had cleared out the arena for the most part and Y/N ran up to Daryl.
Y/N threw himself in his taller husband's arms.
Y/N kissed him everywhere and said:
Y/N: are you okay? Do you need me to look at about-mmm!
Daryl smashed his lips onto Y/N's who hungrily returned the kiss.
D:I'm okay now that your in my arms...
Y/N blushed and suddenly was snapped back into reality.
A gunshot went off and shot a nearby window.
It was Merle.
ML:can y'all love birds hurry it up? Jeez you haven't changed since before this whole walker stalker bullshit!
Y/N laughs.
Y/N:nice to see you to Merle...
ML: Y/N... Y/N...Y/N...still sucking on my baby brothers cock i see...
Daryl wraps his arms around Y/N.
D:We want each other for more than just a good fuck!
ML:How's Danny doin'?
Y/N:just peachy...
He said through gritted teeth.
R:Let's pick this family reunion some other time...let's go!
Daryl held his Crossbow while Y/N pulled out his pistol.
There was a gunshot and Y/N heard Maggie screaming Oscars name.
He turned to see the inmate on the ground dead and he immediately covered Maggie so she could get out of there safely.
Soon they made their way out and back to the cars.
However Y/N noticed the two go off in a different direction.
D:Stay with Danny...
Y/N:where are you going?
ML:Listen pretty boy...we don't need any dead weight dragging us down...go back with your little sheriff friend and the sword lady!
Y/N:I just saved your asses and you think I can't handle myself?!
Daryl sighs.
Maggie chimes in.
M:what 'bout Danny...what'll happen with em'?
Y/N:I know..I don't want him to feel abandoned...but I'll be back... I just need to keep an eye on these two...take care of Danny for me?
Maggie smiles.
M:Of course...
Y/N:let him know we'll be back...
He hugs Maggie before following Daryl and Merle into the woods.
Time Skip...
Back at the prison...
Amy waited patiently with Carl,Beth and Danny when they seen the car pull up.
They all ran outside to help get the gate.
Amy overheard Carol talk to Rick.
CA:where's Daryl?
AM:And Y/N?
R:They didn't come back with us...
Danny spoke up with tears in his eyes.
DY:M-my papa and daddy are dead?
He said starting to cry.
Amy scooped him up.
AM:no...he isn't dead...
Maggie chimes in.
M:They just went out to find some more supplies...
CA:aw man...but Daryl's really gone?
Amy shouted at Carol.
AM:Not everything's just about Daryl okay?! We get it you like the man...but news flash! He's married! And he has a beautiful son! So stop trying to break that family up!
Carol glares at Any before storming off leaving Danny crying in Amy's shoulder.
Y/N:Daddy! Fuck!
Y/N moaned as he couldn't contain his voice after being drilled by Daryl's cock.
Y/N rolls his eyes as he tucks Daryl's cock back into his pants.
Suddenly they hear a scream.
Y/N:It came from the bridge...
They see a family struggling to survive as they were being attacked by walkers.
Y/N:We need to save them!
ML:No! Are you- Daryl get your husband-
Too late.
Daryl ran up to help Y/N and the family.
Merle sighs muttering under his breath as he took on the walkers attacking the men.
Meanwhile Y/N cleared out the passenger car door so the woman could get out with her baby.
Y/N:de nada lady now get behind me before more of those things come for you...
Daryl ran on top of a car and killed more walkers going towards the woman and Y/N.
Y/N:Hey there little girl...
Y/N said trying to calm the baby down.
?:P-please...I need you to take my baby...she is safer away from me and my husband...
Suddenly one of the men shouted.
The man pulled his gun out as Maria walked towards the edge of the bridge.
?:Maria! No!
Y/N:M-Maria...give me the baby...
Y/N said walking slower to the woman.
Y/N:but I know your daughter wouldn't want to be drowned in the river with you...
Suddenly Y/N takes the baby from her hands and the woman shoots her gun.
She misses wildly causing the baby to start crying.
Y/N:Your only upsetting her!
M:y-your right... I shouldn't worry her...
She says stepping backwards over the railing.
Y/N:Maria no-
The man screams as he falls to the ground.
After a bit of silence Y/N chimes in.
Y/N:sir...I'm sorr-
?:they've taken everything I've had! That damn gang! Listen! Take my son too since your here...
ML:And we'll take those tamales...
Merle walks up to the back seat of the car where a terrified boy sits and he reaches over to grab some supplies when Daryl points his gun at the man.
Y/N:what's your son's name?
?:Eduardo...let him know...papa will always be in his dreams...
The man says before walking away.
Y/N walks back to the car.
Y/N sees a young curly haired boy sitting there, scared.
Y/N:Eduardo...buddy...your Papa wanted me to take you to our's much safer than it is anywhere else...
E:wh-wheres my mama?
He says sobbing.
Y/N:she's somewhere come along...we need to find some formula for your baby sister and our baby back at camp.
Y/N leads Eduardo to Daryl who introduces himself.
D:I'm Daryl Dixon...Y/N's husband...
E:You two are married?
Y/'s a crazy let's get you to your new home...
Y/N says as Daryl takes him on his shoulders and they head back to camp.

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