The Lost Boy- Edward Cullen x Male Reader x Jacob Black(Twilight Series)

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A/N:As requested (;

Y/N stared outside the window of the airplane as he tried his best to stay awake.

He was moving to Forks, Washington, it wasn't his first time moving from house to house...

His parents died when he was young and he was adopted into a seemingly nice family, possibly a little too nice...

As Y/N's eyes shut, visions of the horrible things the parents would do to him flashed in his brain.

"Just a weak little fag, and nothing more", the mother would say.


"You'll never amount to anything in life! You'll always just be our slave!", the father says.

Suddenly as the young boy goes to stand up, the father reaches for something and makes a whip-like motion.

Y/N gasps as he looks around.

"Woah, you alright there buddy? Sorry, I could go a bit easier on the breaks...", His new father said.

Y/N sighs recalling the airport.
It had been a few hours since he landed and he was now on his way to meet his new family.

Charlie seemed like a nice guy, but that's normally how they all start out...

As they passed through tons of trees on either side of the road Y/N had the feeling of something watching him.

He looked and seen a tanned boy, shirtless,

"Hey, could you hand me that bottle of water behind my seat?", Charlie asks.

"Here you go Mr.Swan...", Y/N says.

He looks back where the boy was and no sign of a boy could be seen.

He brushes it off as Charlie drives down the road.

As soon as Charlie pulls into the driveway Y/N takes in the sight.

The house seemed very cozy and Y/N seen an excited looking pale girl and a mysterious looking taller male walk out of the front door.

Y/N steps out and she smiles.

"Hey you must be my new brother...I'm Bella this is my boyfriend Edward...", the long dark-haired girl points to the man with piercing brown eyes.

Something inside Edward shifted as Y/N gave him a nervous smile.

"Hey, sorry I'm new to this whole thing...", Y/N says smiling.

"So let us go over a few rules...", Charlie trailed off.

"Curfew is at 11:00, I don't want any suspicious visitors over after dark...", Charlie says giving Edward a look.

"There isn't exactly any chores aside from picking up after yourself...speaking of which, I have a few jobs lined up if you want something to do after school, speaking of school...I know you need a ride to school...while Bella and you can sometimes carpool I thought a boy needs a reliable car, so if you'll follow me...", Charlie leads Y/N back outside.

Y/N's eyes widen in awe at a decent looking truck.

"I know its not much...", Charlie says.

"No...its amazing! Thank you so much...", Y/N says smiling.

"Bella why don't you show Y/N to his room?", Charlie's voice echoes out.

"Sure, follow me...", She says smiling as she leads the boy up the stairs.

"Here it is if you need anything just know I'm right down the hall...", She says smiling as she goes downstairs to give him some privacy.

Y/N sets his luggage on the bed and opens it up, displaying a frame with a picture of his biological parents in the picture.

He smiles setting it on the desk.

The door creaks open as Edward stands on the other side.

"Oh, hey Sorry you're Edward right? Sorry you scared me, you're so quiet...", Y/N says.

" are you...look Y/N, I know there's something more to this, I want you to know...", Edward steps closer to Y/N caressing his cheek with his hand.
"I'm here for you..."

"Oh...uh...thanks", Y/N says nervously.

"Edward! Hey what's taking so long? Have you asked him?", Bella says stepping into the room.

"Oh sorry I was getting to it, how about you meet my family...they'd be happy to meet you...", Edward says.

"Oh okay, I'll get something on...", Y/N says as he goes to his luggage and grabs an outfit.

They get into Edward's car and the whole time Y/N could see him looking through the rearview mirror.

They lock eyes for a second before he makes a hard turn.

Soon Y/N sees a nice looking house with a few people with similar pale skin walkouts.

The three get out and Y/N is introduced to all of them.

He took note of their names and personalities/looks.

Alice was the cheerful short-haired girl.
Carlisle was the older blonde male.
Esme was Carlisle's lover.
Jasper and Rosalie were the two blondes.
And Emmett was the very fit Dark haired boy.

"We've been preparing some food for you...", Esme says.

"Oh thank you...", Y/N says.

"So Y/N, met anyone yet?", Alice asks as the two-step onto the balcony.

"Not really...I've just been kinda cooped up in the house trying to find my footing...", Y/N says.

"Well that's good, focus on yourself before finding a soul mate...", Alice says.

Suddenly they hear the door slide open and Edward walks out.

"Alice, mind giving me and Y/N some privacy?", Edward asks and she obliges and leaves.

"What did you need to tell me?", Y/N asks.

"Nothin...just wanted to spend some alone time with you...", Edward says.

"Shouldn't you be spending your alone time with Bella?", Y/N asks.

"I chose to spend it with you...there's something special about you Y/N, I figured we could explore it some more...", Edward says.

"Oh whatever, my (Favorite/Food) is getting cold...", Y/N says walking away.

Y/N walks through the living room and into the kitchen and says,
"Bella, I'm not feeling too good, I think I'm just gonna head back home...", Y/N says.

"Did you want Edward to drive you home?", She asks.

"No It's okay I'm just gonna take a cab.. ", Y/N says as he grabs his coat and leaves.

On his trail home he contemplates everything that has happened,  this family is nothing like his last one in the best way possible...this guy that's dating his adoptive sister is trying to flirt with him...

Suddenly there was a low growl that made Y/N stop in his tracks.

His eyes widen as he turns to see a bear glaring him down.

Y/N's first instinct was to run.

He could hear the bear getting closer and closer and suddenly he tripped on a rock, sending him flying to the ground.

He landed on his back and he screamed as he seen the bear get closer.

He kicked at it and suddenly a guy with long black hair came out.

He yelled at the bead getting in its face before the bear finally backs off.

The guy with black hair turns to Y/N and holds his hand out.

That was all Y/N could see before everything went black.

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