I'm A Fighter-Kota Ibushi X Male Reader

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Y/N ran into the locker room squealing followed by his future teammates

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Y/N ran into the locker room squealing followed by his future teammates.
?:whats wrong Y/N?
Y/N:guys! We're debuting in Japan!
?:woah that's crazy!
His other teammate said.
The three got ready to head out to their car when...
?:ah! Thank goodness I found you boys...
They turned to find Stephanie McMahon.
All:Hello Mrs.McMahon...
S:So...i wanted to go over some of your details about your debut...you'll be a trio...called Risen Ashes...it'll be led by you Ash...with your muscle...Zeke...and your cute little side kick Y/N...and we'll be facing off against another Japan wrestling brand...
Y/N:heey! I'm not that cute!
S:anyways...you'll be heels...and you'll be facing off against Kota Ibushi...
Y/N:oh my god! I literally love him!
Z:woah there buddy...
Y/N:sorry I'm fanboying so hard...him and Kenny Omega are known as The 'Golden Lovers'...ugh I was so jealous when Kenny got to kiss him...
S:well you will be having to play loads of mind games on him...
Y/N smiled.
S:also Y/N...your much smaller than the other men on this roster....you will be okay won't you?
Y/N:I'll be okay! Don't worry about me...
S:alright...catch your flights...see you in Japan!
The three excitedly hopped in their car and headed for the airport.
The Next Day...
Y/N and Ash and Zeke were all in their car as their driver drove to the arena.
They were all excited since they'd be debuting as these badass delinquents.
The three headed to the locker room for their new outfits.
?:hello! I'm your stylist...so Y/N,we wanted to give you a cute little brother look so we gave you some black ripped jeans,a hoodie around your waist,and a 'Rising Ashes' bright light shirt...
Y/N:Heyy...theirs looks way cooler than mine...
?:oh that's just your normal outfit...we have another one we'll give to you when the time is right...
Y/N:ooh! Okay!
Suddenly a backstage person popped their head in.
?:Ash,Zeke,Y/N...The McMahon's need all the WWE stars out and on the ramp for the big introduction...
Everyone met up outside and made their way to the ring.
All the WWE stars were there for the McMahon's and John Cena's announcement.
J:Thank you guys! All out there...to all the superstars,and the fans...I've been trying to make a WWE Japan...and we've finally done it...I can't say how proud I am...and-
Suddenly there was commotion and a bunch of Japanese Wrestlers came out.
The crowd went wild as the WWE wrestlers clashed with the Japanese Wrestlers.
Y/N noted that Kota went after Ash.
Y/N got attacked by a female wrestler and him and her clashed hard until finally Sasha banks pulled her off and fought with her.
Finally the WWE stars all ended up on the floor as the Japanese stars stood up on the ring.
They all chanted and shouted at the stars about them being in their turf now.
Y/N:what have we gotten ourselves into...
Sure enough, the crowd loved every second of it.
Y/N smiled as he prepared to shoot a segment with Kota and the rest of his squad.
Y/N smiled as he took a few selfies and posted them on Instagram when Kota shyly walked in and shyly tapped on Y/N's shoulder.
Y/N:oh! Hey, you're Kota!
K:m-mhm!...w-would you like to...uhm...
The camera zoomed in on Kota as Y/N mouthed the words to him.
K:g-go to cof-coffee...with me...
Y/N:oh! Would I like to go get coffee with you? I'd definetly love to!-
Suddenly Ash barges in.
A:listen dude...I don't know who you think they are! But first you attack me...then you flirt with my best friend!
K:n-no...I wasn't-
Y/N:he was just-
A:how about a match tonight...
K:against you?
Z:against me!
The tall guy got in Kota's face.
Z:no one touches our baby bro!
Y/N:guys! He was just!
Kota sighed as he was feeling stressed.
Y/N:hey...don't worry...I believe in you!
Kota smiled as Y/N skipped away.
In The Matchup...
Zeke and Kota locked up as the bell rang.
Soon Kota head locked Zeke as he struggled to get out.
Sure enough Zeke shoved Kota onto the ropes and big booted him in the face.
He rolled out of the ring onto the side Y/N was on.
Y/N noticed Zeke try and get out, but the referee hold him back so he took this opportunity to help Kota up.
Y/N:You got this Kota!
K:thanks Y/N!
Y/N returned to Ash as Kota got ready to keep fighting.
Time Skip...
Kota managed to launch Zeke from the top rope knocking him out for a few seconds.
Sure enough he took the time to capitalize and pin him.
However Ash ran into the ring and broke up the pin,causing Zeke to lose and Kota to win by default.
Ash and Zeke started beating up on Kota as Y/N hesitantly joined in.
A:come on! Do the big booty bump! He'd love it!
Y/N made his back face Kota as the guys went to shove him as Y/N got ready to jump and make his ass hit Kota in the face.
However as they were about to do so a very familiar theme song came on...
Kenny Omega came running out and the crowd went wild.
Kenny ran into the ring as Zeke shoved Kota to the side and Ash went to face him.
Kenny struck him with a hard right jab and moved onto Zeke.
He made short work of Zeke as he turned his attention to Y/N.
He simply tossed Y/N out of the ring and went back to Ash.
Finally once he seen the three members regroup on the ground he hugged his old tag team partner and raised his arm.
Suddenly Ash grabbed a mic.
A:S-so you think you can walk up in here and attack us just like nothing...bad news buddy...your 'Romeo' was flirting with that little cutie right there...
He pointed to Y/N.
Kenny shouted something back but Ash kept talking.
A:don't think you just defeated my squad because you've only just started... we're gonna ride from the ashes and watch you burn!
He tossed the mic and walked around the ring.
Y/N sighed as he toweled himself off from the hard match.
KY:hey great match out there!
Y/N:thanks! Couldn't have been great without you!
KY:you know I think maybe we could see a face turn coming soon...
Y/N:I hope so...the crowd could sense how much I care for Kota...
KY:He's my best friend...and i know when he likes someone...and he definetly likes you...you should go out with him...
Y/N smiled.
Y/N:okay I will!

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