Undead Love-Vampire! Min Yoongi(Bts) X Male Reader

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A/N:Background Information: Min Yoongi is a vampire, his lover Min Y/N  and his son Min Yejun
In the beginning of time...my actions hurt those closest to me...

Min Yoongi, a typical crop farmer, turned head knight and Lee Y/N, a royal subject of the court, along with their forbidden love child, Min Jin-Ho, lived a fairly ordinary life.

"Min Yoongi-ah...come inside, its getting chilly outside...", Y/N says softly.

"In a second Y/N...I need to go for a walk...", Yoongi says.

Y/N smiles gently as he holds their precious baby boy.
"Don't be too long papa...", the four year old says.

Yoongi gives his gummy smile and says.
"Don't worry I won't Yejun"

Yoongi gives his son a peck on the forehead, and Y/N a kiss on the lips before heading out.

He searched far and wide for a few hours, before coming across what he was looking for, the great tree of Daegu.

He took Y/N over to the tree once to pray for them to have a child, that wish came true not long after.

He touched the base of the tree and whispered all his troubles.

He heard rustling and felt a leaf touch the top of his head.

He smiled gently and clutched the leaf proudly.

Suddenly a shrieking could be heard as he turned around and was attacked by a bat.

He felt a long cut from the bottom of his eyelid down to the middle of his cheek.

His vision goes hazy before he finally wakes up to see its morning.

He clutches his throat feeling oddly thirsty, however it wasn't water or ale that he wanted, he wanted something with an iron taste...something red...

He looks around, a low whisper suddenly says,
"Your wish is my command...now go along child, feast on animals..."

Suddenly just as he said that a wolf growled.

Yoongi growled back and the two jumped at each other.

He sank his teeth into the wolf's neck with a satisfying taste.

Soon he drained it of its blood, he felt full, for now at least...

Upon approaching the gates of his and Y/N's shared hut, Y/N ran out and into his arms.

"Oh thank God! Don't ever leave me like that again!", Y/N said.

"I'm sorry Y/N...I was praying at the-", Yoongi was cut off.

"Oh gosh...what is that cut? And that mark on your neck! Did you get into a fight with a guard?", Y/N asks.

"Now Y/N...don't worry now...I'm here now...come on...I haven't seen my boy in too many hours...", Yoongi says smirking.

Time Skip...

Yoongi had gone out hunting for blood regularly, Y/N knew something was off about his behavior, but he couldn't do much about it.

It had been a few months and there was people approaching the gate.

Dozens of leaves fell as fall was underway and they handed Yoongi a letter from Emperor Hoseok.

"I have recognized your cry for help, I have also been notified how great a warrior you are, I'll be willing to give you a much bigger house, granted you protect a section of my village...", Signed, The Great Emperor.

Yoongi and Y/N's eyes widened.

"Don't go...", Y/N says.

"What do you mean? I'm giving you and Yejun a life you two deserve...", Yoongi says.

"I don't want to lose you...", Y/N says.

"Don't worry...I'll be back...", Yoongi says.

As time went on, Yoongi grew stronger and stronger, he fought fearlessly and eventually he was one of the last soldiers standing...

When he thought no one was looking, he went to the bodies and drained their blood, however he was certainly wrong about no one looking...

Upon his arrival back to his village, guards immediately approached him.

"Halt! By order of our emperor you must come with us to the emperors courtyard...", they say.

"What is this about?", Yoongi asks.

"No questions! Just come along and no one has to get hurt...", they say.

As Yoongi approached the gates he heard Y/N weeping.

His eyes widened as he seen the little body in Y/N's arms.

Poor little Yejun and Y/N had been attacked by Guards, because of what Yoongi was...

"Ah, Min Yoongi...some call you a hero...others call you a blood sucker...what say you for this treason?", Hoseok asks.

"Its...true...", Yoongi says sighing as he walks further approaching Y/N.

"Go Y/N! This is my crime...", Yoongi says.

Y/N stands up wiping his tears.
"I stand by you...I won't leave you...", Y/N says.

Yoongi gives Y/N a kiss on his lips before continuing his walk of shame.

"Kill all the members of his family!", Hoseok says annoyed.

There's a grunt from Y/N and his eyes widen as he turns to see Y/N with an arrow through his heart.

He falls to the ground, clutching his wound as his Eye/Color eyes slowly shut.

Yoongi lets out an angry scream as he attacks a few guards.

However, he didn't see Hoseok with a stake as he walks down.

The guards hold Yoongi down and sure enough...


Yoongi's eyes widened as Hoseok digs the stake into his heart.

His vision slowly fades and a low whisper says.

"You have been cursed for all of eternity...go and find your true love once more...he will have the exact same body, looks, and overall heart...you will not be able to rest until you have found him...go!"

Suddenly the sound of cars beeping could be heard as he walks down a rainy street.

He holds an umbrella as he tries to stay out of the wet and cold weather.

As hes walking he sees a smaller male with a gray Hoodie pulled to cover his head from the rain and his earphones in.

They make eye contact and Yoongi instantly feels something beating in his chest.

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