Newborn Blood-Jasper(Twilight series) X Male Reader

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A few years prior...
Y/N smiled at a blonde man with red eyes.
Y/N:H-Hi I'm Y/N...
The man smirks.
His little brother Ted laid unconscious.
They had been found barely breathing in the river, when Y/N remembers getting up and walking off the pain as if it were nothing.
His neck hurt and he felt the need for blood.
?: I'm seem thirsty... Have a drink...
He motions at the smaller boy.
JS:your a vampire Y/N.... if you want your brother alive then you'll take a drink...
Y/N gulps and leans down taking a drink from his little brothers neck.
That was the start to a never ending hell...
Y/N couldn't stand Victoria...mostly because she had control over Jasper...
He and Jasper had been seeing each other.
JS:Y/N... I'm glad to see you here...
He said smirking as Y/N walked into the empty barn.
Y/N:I just wanted...more practice...
Jasper smirks.
JS:it's gonna be a real work out...
Y/N lost his virginity to Jasper, in that damn barn with that damn blood sucking monster...
Y/N was one of the best trainers although he wasn't the biggest or strongest.
Teddy was weak, he was small and short.
Y/N tried to take on the biggest guy of the pack, Allen...
But he was tossed to the side.
Ted got involved trying to protect Y/N...however...he was slammed on the floor and embarrassed.
Y/N watched Victoria whisper something to Jasper.
Later Y/N seen Ted watching everyone else hunt.
Y/N: teddy...thanks for sticking up for me...
TD:What's the point... I'm weak and stupid anyways...
Y/N:Teddy...your not weak or have a big heart... One day you'll be big and strong enough to take on an army...for now...don't do anything stupid to get yourself killed ..
The barn door creaks open and Jasper smiles.
JS:Y/N...i need to talk with you...alone...
Y/N:If it's something and my brother need to hear...
Jasper sighs.
JS:Y/ had to make this hard for yourself...
He's suddenly tossed into the wall.
Y/N suddenly realizes what he's trying to do.
Teddy whimpers and turns to run.
However Jasper grabs his arm and pulls him back against his chest.
Y/N runs at the two, however Victoria is two steps ahead and sends two newborns in to hold him back.
Jasper has a struggling Teddy in a chokehold...when...
He twists Teddy's head...
Y/N's eyes turn to anger as he drains the newborns strength and front flips tugging their arms with him, ripping their arms off.
Y/N glares at Jasper and Victoria, and he turns, running away...
They looked for him for 7 months...that was decades ago...
Jasper's POV
The Cullen's were getting ready to fight the newborns.
They had the wolf pack on their side...they sensed them coming...
Sure enough they showed up.
Jasper and the others charge at the newborns.
At first they have the upper hand.
Suddenly they're losing...
The newborns have them all, ready to kill...when out in the foggy woods...steps a hooded figure...
No One's POV
There's a bad feeling in the air as the hooded figure walks slowly to the middle with the newborns full attention.
?:stand down...
A newborn speaks up.
?:pleasant surprise finding you after all these years Y/N...
Jasper's eyes widen.
Y/N removed the hood and tosses it on the ground glaring at Jasper.
A female newborn kicks at Y/N.
He grabs it and turns angrily at her.
He grabs her neck and slams her into the ground, snapping her head off in an instant.
Two more charge at him.
He bridges underneath their arms and twists their heads right off.
The Cullen's watch in amazement as Y/N takes them down single handedly. do you know him?
JS:he' ex...
Y/N wipes his hands and immediately Carlisle walks up to Y/N.
Before he could make a word out, Y/N spoke up.
Y/N:I'm not looking to join the Cullen family... I've been looking for you...
Jasper's eyes widen as he points in his direction.
Suddenly a smaller girl appears behind him.
Bree gulps.
Y/N:I need you to promise me...when they stay behind me...
Bree nods and Alice shouts.
A:they're coming...
The wolf pack disappear and Y/N stands in front of Bree.
The figures appear and Y/N stands his ground.
AR:You missed one...
He motions at Bree.
Jane glares at Bree.
Suddenly she falls on the ground in pain.
JN:who created you?
BR:V-Victoria wouldn't tell us anything...she said our thoughts were too dangerous...
Y/N knows he needs to act fast.
Y/N glares at Jane and redirects her pain at her.
She starts gasping and falls over.
Aros eyes slightly widen. were able to redirect her powers back at her...
Y/N:I can do a lot more... clearly want something...what is it?
Y/N:Leave Bree alone...
AR:Fine... we'll be watching you...
Y/N smirks at Jane as they leave.
C:we need to get to Bella...they might be in trouble...
Jasper turns to Y/N.
Y/N:save it have Alice...and I...had Teddy...
Jasper sighs.
JS:I'll never forgive myself for what I did to him...
Y/N:then take me to Victoria...I want to finish that bitch once and for all...
Jasper gulps and nods.
He leads him through a short cut.
He sees a human girl and a vampire fighting with Victoria.
Victoria is on the man about to snap his head off.
Y/N quickly runs up and grabs her head.
Y/N:remember me Victoria?
Victoria gasps as Y/N twists her head even more.
Y/N:I've been dreaming about this since you killed teddy...
V:J-Jasper killed him...
Y/N:you told him to...did you not?
She gasps in pain as Y/N twists her head.
V:let me go!
Y/N:You deserve Teddy's fate...
Victoria's head rolls onto the snowy ground and Y/N tosses a torch at her face.
Time Skip...
Y/N turns back to Alice and Jasper.
A:you could stay...
Y/N:n-no...I won't ever get over Teddy...
Y/N kisses Jasper.
He quickly pulls away.
Y/N: don't make me have to protect anyone from Jane again...
Alice laughs and Y/N turns around with Bree on his back, piggyback style and they walk off into the woods.
Something's coming... Something's wrong with the future... And all Y/N can hear is...a baby crying?
What does this mean? Is Y/N pregnant? Impossible...he's a male and a vampire...he hasn't had sex since Jasper...unless... A Cullen is pregnant...more specifically...a Swan...

XMale Reader🏳️‍🌈حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن