My Time Of Need-Adrien Agreste(Miraculous Ladybug) X Male Reader

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(A/N:This is inspired by another Adrien Agreste X Male Reader book called: Cats are Just Too Cute...I believe...)
Y/N yawned as he woke up to his dad tapping him.
He examined his surroundings and remembered he was on a plane to Paris.
His dad met some famous designer and they fell in love.
Now you may be wondering where Y/N's mother is...she died in a fire....
One night the family and baby Y/N had gone camping and his mother saved him from a forest fire.
However that cost her life.
Now Y/N was on the way to meet some woman who tried too hard to be nice.
Meanwhile Y/N's dad didn't really pay any attention to him,since he reminded his dad too much of his mom.
Y/N stepped off a plane and was met by a tall man wearing a tux.
?:ah! You must be Y/N...and you must be Nick...
(A/N:Your dad's name is nick in this...if you want you can just fill in nick with *your dad's real name*)
?:Mrs.Lilian has told us so much about you...
The man led the two to a car and drive through the streets of Paris until finding a large apartment building with a huge lobby.
The man led them to a huge elevator and pressed the top floor button.
After finally hearing the Ding!, The three opened a large door revealing a large living room.
L:ah! Hello darling!
A woman with wavy blonde hair squealed as she hugged Y/N's father.
?:and you must be Y/N!
The woman said hugging Y/N,squishing your face in her boobs.
Y/:N:c-can't breathe...
?:oops sorry...I'm's very nice to meet you! I can't wait for you to meet Ash.
Y/N nodded as he turned to go put his stuff in his room.
Suddenly he toppled over a taller guy with orange-redish hair.
Y/N:I-I'm sooo sorry!
Y/N said quickly getting off the boy.
?:no problem...I'm assuming your Y/N?
Y/N:And you must be...Ash?
Y/N:so are you... Her butler? Her slave?
AS:I'm her son but...close enough...your room is right across from mine lil bro...
Y/N:Heey....That's unfair I'm the younger one...
AS:Your both physically,and mentally younger...
Y/N pouted before heading into his room to put his things away.
He looked around his room examining the huge room with a large bed and giant walk-in closet.
He spotted a drawer and was very curious about it...
He opened it and in there was...panties! Lots of them...
?:Yeah she's a designer...
Y/N jumped at the sound of Ash's voice.
Y/N:S-so i have to wear these?
AS:Hey man I don't make the get some sleep you got a whole day of learning tomorrow...
Y/N smiled at his new brother and quickly slipped on a nightgown with bunny slippers and hopped into bed.

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