Dead Man Walking (Part 13)-Daryl Dixon(TWD)X Male Reader

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Y/N sighs as he wakes up.
Y/N smiles at Amy.
Y/N:where is everyone?
AM:they're all out doing their and beth are on baby duty today...
Y/N gulps.
Y/N:I think today I need to get something off my chest to everyone...
AM:you're pregnant again?!
B:did I hear someone's pregnant?
Beth asks peeking in.
AM:what is it?
Y/N:I...have the cure to this disease in my blood...
The two girls mouths go wide.
AM:Y/N...we need to get you to a lab...
Y/N:that's the thing...I'm not trying to risk anyone by going there...I'm waiting till the time is right...promise not to tell Daryl until I tell him first...
Y/N walks out of the room and gathers a bunch of his group, including Danny,Daryl,Carl and a few others.
Y/N:I haven't told a lot of people this but...I have the cure in my blood...
Y/N:I was bit when this first happened and a doctor told me to find a lab in california... Rick wanted me to keep it between me and him to prevent losing any more people for some lab that might not even exist...but I think everyone has the right to know now...
There was shouting and Y/N realized just how angry they were that he kept that from him.
SH:alright everyone calm down!
Sasha shouted.
?:my brother died because you didnt want to make a cure!
A teen girl shouted.
Hershel shouted.
H:Y/N put less lives at risk by not having us on the road for months at a time...we're lucky to still be alive now let's respect that...
Y/N sighs.
In just a matter of seconds he ruined his relationship with everyone.
He went for a walk outside.
He seen Daryl sitting by himself
Y/N walked up to him.
D:they have a right to be mad at ya' Y/N...
Y/N:your mad too?
D:of course I'm fuckin' mad Y/N! You been keepin' secrets from ev'ryone...includin' me...
D:no Y/N! Fuck you! I'm done with yer' shit!
He says as he angrily takes off his wedding band.
Y/N's eyes widen and he turns away crying.
Daryl sighs as he picks up the wedding band.
D:was I too hard on em'?
Carol hugged him.
C:I think he was let off a bit easy...
Y/N angrily kicked a barrel.
Rick ran up to him.
R:Y/N! You good?
Y/N:Fuck no I'm not Rick! I'm angry! Not at You, not at the people, not at Carol or Daryl! I listened to you like the dumbass I am! Now my husbands mad at me and I dont even think I have a husband anymore!
Rick was silent.
Michonne stepped in.
MC:Rick...let him be...he needs a moment...
Y/N sighs as he sits on a bench by himself.
A few hours later...
Danny and Carl walked up to Y/N.
DY:everyone's mad at papa?
Y/N:Yes they are buddy...I dont know if I can handle it...
C:are you leaving us...?
Y/N:its not confirmed...dont wanna get anyone's hope's up...
DY:where's daddy?
Y/N:I dont know...hes probably with carol now...and I'm happy for the two of them!
Before Carl or Danny could say anything Maggie runs up.
MG:Y/N! We need you up
front...there's some cars coming up...
Rick and Daryl discussed how he exiled Carol.
R: She killed two of our own. She couldn't be here. She's gonna be all right. She has a car, supplies, weapons. She's a survivor.
D: Stop saying that like you don't believe it.
R: She did it. She said it was for us. That's how it was in her head. She wasn't sorry.
D: Man, that's her, but that ain't her. What are we supposed to do about those two girls?
R: I told her we'd look after them. I haven't told Tyreese yet. I don't know how he's gonna take it.
D: Let's go find out.
There gathered is Beth,Rick,Tyreese,Sasha,Daryl and a few others.
G: Rick! Come down here. We need to talk.
R: It's not up to me. There's a council now. They run this place.
G: Is Hershel on the council? What about Michonne? She on the council, too?
Out come the two with their hands bound.
R: I don't make decisions anymore.
G: You're making the decisions today, Rick. Come down here. Let's... Let's have that talk.
Rick steps forward.
R: Let 'em go right now. I'll stay down here. Talk as long as you want. But you let 'em go. You got a tank. You don't need hostages.
He motions at the man in the tank.
Meanwhile Daryl hands out guns, instead of handing one to Y/N, he snatches it from the taller mans hands.
G: I do. This is just to show you I'm serious. Not to blast a hole in our new home. You and your people, you have till sundown to get out of here or they die.
A man brings out Michonne's sword and Beth and Maggie get closer to the gate.
R: Doesn't have to go down this way. G: I got more people, more firepower. We need this prison. There it is.
R: It's not about the past. It's about right now. There are children here. Some of them are sick. They won't survive.
G: I have a tank. And I'm letting you walk away from here. What else is there to talk about? You good? I could shoot you all. You'd all shoot back. I know that. But we'll win and you'll be dead. All of you.
R: Doesn't have to be like that-
G: Like I said, it's your choice.
A few walkers make their way towards The governors people.
G: Noise will only draw more of them over. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to get out of here.
C: We got to do something.
D: Your dad's got it. They're talking.
C: We could kill the Governor right now. From yards? I'm a good shot. I could end this right now.
Y/N chimes in.
Y/N: Yeah, or you could start something else. You got to trust him.
Back to the governor...
G: You got maybe about an hour of sunlight left. I suggest you start packing. The longer you wait, the harder it's gonna be for you to get out of here.
R: We can all-- we can all live together. There's enough room for all of us. More than enough.
G: But I don't think my family would sleep well knowing that you were under the same roof.
R: We'd live in different cell blocks. We'd never have to see each other till we're all ready. It could work. You know it could.
G: It could've. But it can't. Not after Woodbury. Not after Andrea.
Andrea's eyes widen at the sound of her name.
R: Look, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy. Fact is, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder than standing here shooting at each other. But I don't think we have a choice.
G: We don't. You do...
R: We're not leaving. You try and force us, we'll fight back. Like you said, the gunshots will just bring more of them out. They'll take down the fences. Without the fences, this place is worthless. Now, we can all live in the prison or none of us can.
G: We'll fix the damn fences.
Rick turns to a girl.
R: You. You in the ponytails. Is this what you want? Is this what any of you want?
?:What we want is what you got. Period. Time for you to leave, asshole.
The guy in the tank said.
R: Look, I fought him before. And after, we took in his old friends. They've become leaders in what we have here. Now you put down your weapons, walk through those gates... you're one of us. We let go of all of it, and nobody dies. Everyone who's alive right now. Everyone who's made it this far. We've all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive. But we can still come back. We're not too far gone. We get to come back. I know... we all can change.
Hershel smiles.
Governor: Liar....
He swings the sword and it connects with Hershel's neck.
Beth and Maggie's screams are inaudible as Y/N registers the scene.
He shoots at the governor and that starts the fight.
Y/N whimpers as he shoots at whoever he could.
He sees Michonne disappear.
Y/N backs up.
B:I'm out of ammo!
Y/N:Me and Maggie will cover you run for the bus!
Y/N says as he shoots at the incoming gunmen.
Y/N turns around as they spread out.
Soon Y/N finds himself alone with bullets flying everywhere.
He thinks about the fact that he and Daryl aren't angers him...he needs to let it out somehow...
Then he remembers the most wisest member of the group just died...
He needs to console Beth...but he doesn't know where she is.
He suddenly sees a woman with medium brown hair going after Tyreese.
She closes in on him with an old man.
Y/N shoots the older man in the head and she turns around.
He tackles her into a blue barrel and they fight for her gun.
Y/N kicks it away and she kicks him away and goes after her gun.
Y/N flips out his knives and she turns around and points it at her.
Y/N:you don't have to do this...
?:yes we do...
Y/N:then you'll die trying...
Y/N charges at her and she clicks the trigger.
However the gun jams and she drops it as she is stabbed in the side with Y/N's knife.
She falls to her side and Y/N glares at her.
?:go on...finish me...
Y/N:I've seen enough death in a lifetime...
Y/N steps aside as a few zombies come forward.
?:no!no!god no!
She screams as she is mauled by zombies.
Y/N turns around to see Micah being corned by a man.
?:put it down sweetheart...
Y/N glares at him as he shoves him into a wall.
Y/N:shoot him!
Micah closes her eyes and...
Suddenly Amy and Andrea run up to them.
AM:you seen rick?
Y/N:last I seen he was up front! You seen Danny?
AN:he was with Carl...
Y/N:we should head for the-
They watch the bus leave and Amy says.
AM:we'll figure it out! Right now we need to go!
MI:wait what about Lizzie?
Y/N:she's a strong girl...she's bound to make it out with someone...
He says as the four leave the prison for the last time.
Alt. Scene: Lori Alive...
Lori rubbed Y/N's back as they watched the two men argue...
Suddenly a woman with medium brown hair aims her gun at Lori.
Y/N:Lori...hand me the baby!
Lori holds Judith out to Y/N when...
Y/N's eyes widen as Lori falls lifelessly.
He realizes he has Judith in his arms safely as she screams.
It was silent for a moment before it registered...
Y/N turned angrily and shot the woman piercing her ear.
That started the rounds of bullets going off.
A/N:just to clarify, Y/N and Alisha... Tara's girlfriend... also don't worry this isn't the end... Another note...the storyline will get a bit more creative and rely on me more... wish me luck!❤

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