Like I'm Gonna Lose You-Park Jimin X Male Reader

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Y/N smiled at his taller boyfriend who was sleeping.
Park Jimin loved to cuddle with Y/N and vise versa.
Y/N decided it was time to get up and make them breakfast in bed.
He got up and headed into BTS kitchen to make some breakfast for him and his lovely boyfriend.
J:ah Y/ is my favorite son...?
Y/N:good morning eomma!
J: hey....I'm not an eomma....
Y/N:I know...but you've been there for me like an eomma so your my eomma...
J:ok fine...don't let your head burst...
Y/N:I won't!
He took the food back into the room and served his lover. you didn't have to make me breakfast...
Y/N smiled as the taller boy nuzzled his neck.
Y/N:Hm...I wanted to surprise you...
JM:that was a great about a little bit more....
Y/N giggled as his lover kissed down his neck.
Y/N pushed him against the bed and got underneath the cover to give him a blowjob.
After their sex session Jimin had to go out somewhere leaving Y/N home with Taehyung.
V:so which Games do you want to play?
Y/N:I don't know you decide....
After playing a few shooting games and them winning back and forth Jimin finally came.
JM:I-um...babe I have very bad news...
Y/N:what is it?
JM:my ex....Seulgi is back...and she says if I don't go with her then she'll tell the police that I did all these things to her...
Y/N:so...your breaking up with me?
JM:no of course not babe...she just wants to have my children...
Y/N gulped.
Y/N:um...Jimin.... I'm pregnant...
A few months later...
Jimin had really distanced himself whether it be he wouldn't cuddle with Y/N or he would be out all hours of the day.
Y/N knew damn well that he wasn't with any of the guys because they took on his fatherly role of making sure Y/N made it to all doctors appointments and made sure the baby didn't have any cravings,and overall showed Y/N more love than he had been receiving from Jimin for the past few months.
Finally one night Y/N sat at the table and Jimin had stumbled in home.
Y/N:Jimin...who gave you that mark...
Jimin gulped.
Y/N got mad.
For quite a while he was getting sex and affection from someone who he didn't even love and someone he didn't even get pregnant.
Y/N grabbed the first thing that was next to him and tossed it and shouted.
If that didn't wake the guys up,the sound of the bottle shattering certainly did.
Y/N turned around and they had already filed out to make sure Y/N and Jimin were okay.
Y/N buried his head into Jin's shoulder and hugged him and Jhope as he cried hard.
Suga was pissed that Jimin made Y/N feel this so he was the one to make sure Jimin stayed away from him.
He took a step forward wanting to comfort the man he loved and still did but Suga pushed him back.
S:Don't you see what your doing to this poor kid?he's having your child and you still couldn't show him the least compassion!Your lucky Y/N's such a sweet and kind person and you'll even be in that child's life...
JM:Why do you care so much?
S:We were there Jimin!We were there more than you were! We'll all be better dad's to that poor kid than you will to Seulgi's Satan spawn!
Jimin's eyes widened.
JM:How did you know Seulgi's pregnant...?
Suga stared him down.
S:Your not so slick Park...
J:guys Y/N ran to his room!
The six boys ran after him leaving Jimin alone in the living room.
Meanwhile Y/N was angrily packing Jimin's things and taking literally everything of his and shoving it into a suitcase.
JH:Y/N~nie are you packing?
Y/N:this is Jimin's shit...I think it would be best if he stayed with Seulgi while I'm pregnant...
J-Hope nodded.
JH:whatever makes you feel best...
Y/N:thank you everyone...
Y/N walked out to the living room with the suitcase.
JM:Is that my stuff?
Y/N:Since you spend so much time at Seulgi's so much you can just live with her!Oh and you can have this damned ring back to!
Y/N tossed the promise ring he gave him on their first anniversary.
Y/N was hurting and Jimin could see it.
Y/N stared at him.
JM:I want to be there when our baby is born...
Y/N gulped fighting tears.
Y/N:I...I's your baby too  but...I just can't have you here getting me's bad for the baby...and...I wish you could stay...B-but I'm protecting myself and the baby from a miscarriage...
JM:then promise to still wear this...
Jimin took Y/N's hand and placed the ring back into his hand.
Y/N looked up and couldn't hold back the tears.
He buried his head into Jimin's shoulder and started crying.
Jimin held his lover in his arms for the first time in a while.
JM:But your right...we both need to be strong...for our baby...make sure to take good care of yourself Y/N ....
Y/N nodded wiping the tears.
Jimin smiled and left his lover crying on the couch.
Y/N felt so alone and was worried he'd be too sad and lose the baby however the six idiots were led by Jhope as they all walked in and hugged him.
They rested on the couch with him and made him feel loved.
Y/N:this baby is going to be so lucky to have such amazing uncle's...
A few more months later...
It was the day of the baby shower for Y/N and there was a lot on his plate.
He was busy cutting up vegetables and trying to decorate when Jhope,Jin,Suga,RM,Jungkook,and Taehyung all walked in.
J:I'll take that...
Y/N:hey...I was doing that...
JH:You shouldn't work so hard your pregnant...I'll decorate the tables....
J:I'll make the food.
RM:I'll make sure everything's all ordered and on the way...
JK:I'll clean the living room...
V:I'll make sure the garbages are all taken care of...
They all turned to Suga.
S:......I'll sleep with Y/N ...
And soon enough all the guests came and everything was ready.
Y/N wore something not too tight,not to masculine/feminine and something comfortable.
The guests were some of Y/N's cousins and aunts and uncles as well as his mom and a lot of his friends in the Kpop industry made it.
There was Blackpink,Exo,Ikon,Nct,Blackpink,
Twice,Kard,Monsta X,Seventeen,Ace,Ateez,Stray Kids,TXT,and a few others.
They were all having fun avoiding the word baby.
Finally Jin came out with a few oversized white shirts for him and the others to wear to do the gender reveal.
Y/N:I'd like to thank my six best friends for being amazing during my pregnancy...I'd never had made it if it wasn't for them...
Everyone awwed as they hugged.
Y/N:Whatever it is I know they'll have amazing uncle's that love and care for them...
Y/N put on the white shirt but before they dumped the slime on him he announced.
Y/N:I'd like my six best friends to do it with me since they'll be great father figures to my baby...
The six boys stood in a line and soon enough...
It fell on them.
Everyone gasped and then cheered as they seen the color.
It was blue.
Y/N jumped onto Jungkook and wrapped his arms and legs around him as the others surrounded him in a group hug.
Everyone stopped cheering to find Jimin and Seulgi standing in the doorway.
Y/N cleared his throat.
Y/N:excuse me...
Everyone was silent as the music played because they wanted to hear the drama.
Y/N:I'm sorry we started without said it started at's 6:30...
JM:Seulgi said it started at 6:00...
Y/N got impatient.
Y/N:okay well now you know we're having a boy...
JM:that's amazing!
He went to scoop up his lover and spin him but Seulgi stopped him.
SG:that's Y/N...your having a boy... we're having a girl...
Y/N:that's least my little boy will have a sister...
Seulgi laughed.
SG:I wouldn't count on it...
JM:okay anyways...
Y/N:I'm going to get yourselves to anything on that table...
Y/N pointed to a table where there was barely any food left.
However Jimin was hungry...really hungry...not for anything on that table...but for the one walking in the blue stained white shirt....
He gulped as he told Seulgi he was going to use the bathroom.
Jimin smirked as he crept up to their bedroom.
He watched Y/N undress and bit his lip.
Y/N turned around and bent over exposing his ass.
He wore pretty pink laced panties.
That was it Jimin was going in.
Jimin closed the door to their room making Y/N slightly jump.
Y/N:um what do you want...can't you see I'm changing...
JM:I'm hungry...
He said whining into the shorter boys ear.
Y/N:then go eat outside...
Jimin growled into his ear and said.
JM:I'm hungry for you...
Jimin pushed Y/N against the wall and placed hungry kisses everywhere.
Y/N moaned as he had been craving sex for a while now.
Y/N:f-fuck me...
JM:gladly baby...
He said with a smirk.
Soon enough they were both naked and Jimin pounding into Y/N as Y/N thrusted in Jimin's hand.
Soon Y/N came in Jimin's hand and rested against Jimin.
Jimin smirked as he had an idea.
He took the cum and rubbed it onto
Y/N's ass making sure to get him good.
He moaned at the sight.
Seeing Y/N's thick ass smeared in cum,and penetrated by his dick made him even more hard.
JM:how about a quick round two?
Y/N:of course...
SG,J:aish where is that boy!
However Jhope and RM and Suga caught onto what they were doing.
RM:so Seulgi how many months are you?
And they kept asking questions until one by one,Y/N and Jimin came down.
JK:finally we can open presents!
Y/N smiled at his hyungs cuteness and sat down by the mountains of presents.
After opening and receiving quite a few expensive and helpful gifts there wasn't any more.
S:Jimin where's your present to your son?
JM:oh I have it actually...hold on I need something from the office...
Soon Jimin came back with a guitar.
JM:Y/N~nie I hope you like it...I wrote this for me and you and our son...

After it finished Y/N was emotional because of the hormones and he gave Jimin a big hug
Everyone awwed and soon the party ended
One month later...
Y/N was just about to sit down for breakfast when he felt something go down his leg...
Immediately everyone piled into the van as Jin swerved to the hospital.
Finally they all got off and got Y/N checked in.
They all got the biggest room so they could see the birth of their nephew.
Soon after hours of being in labor Y/N finally heard a small cry.
The doctor handed him his baby.
Y/N couldn't believe it.
He knew the perfect name for him.
Y/N:little Park Junsu...he's perfect...
Y/N noticed he had Jimin's face structure as well as Jimin's hair and lips.
Y/N smiled as the small baby yawned.
Soon visiting hours were available and everyone came to see the baby...even Jimin and Seulgi.
They were first to see him.
Jimin smiled as he held his first born son in his arms.
JM:he's so adorable...
Y/N:he looks just like you...
Jimin smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on the babies forehead.
Junsu gave a cute little smile as he slowly opened his eyes.
Y/N smiled and took the baby back.
A month later Seulgi gave birth to her baby but Jimin wasn't the father...
Once he found out he went right to
Y/N answered the door while baby Junsu was with Jungkook.
Y/N:Jimin what are you doing he-
Jimin smashed his lips on Y/N's.
Y/N finally pulled away.
Y/N:are you moving back in?
JM:That sluts baby wasn't mine now let's fuck...
Y/N giggled as he got tackled onto the couch and they had a quick session.
Soon Y/N smiled as Jimin finished making Junsu's crib.
The three sat together on the couch and Y/N couldn't help smile at his boys.
JM:Junsu don't fall...
That was followed by a small thud and a little giggle.

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