Star Wars:Hidden In Plain Sight-Poe Dameron X Male Reader

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Princess Leia lays in her death bed as her breathing slows. there anything you need me to do...any last requests...
The older woman looks up at Poe and says:
L:P-please...I haven't told you the other jedi...
P:Y-You mean...Rey isn't the last Jedi?
L:she may be the last willing Jedi...the other Jedi is a friend of mine...m-my long life mission...was to get him to join the resistence...please...deliver this letter to him...don't open it until he has read it...
P:Leia....where can I find him...
L:in Mos Eisley cantina...
P:what is his name?
Leia coughs as her eyes slowly roll up.
Poe shuts her eyelids and leaves the room.
A few months later...
Poe flies his X-Wing onto an empty space as he storms into the cantina.
He sees an older man sitting at the bar.
?:heya! What can I get ya'?
The young looking bartender asks.
P:nothing for now sweet face...
He says admiring the bartenders face as his eyes travel south.
?:easy there bud...kid just turned 27...
Poe turns to the older man.
P:Oh right! must be Y/N...Miss Leia asked me to deliver something to you...
He reaches for the letter and the older man says:
?:i ain't Y/N!
The bartender glances up at the sound of the name and his eyes widen.
?:I...think I need to go get something from... over there...
Y/N heads for the door and Poe immediately tackles him.
Y/N:get off me!
He shoves the older man off him.
Y/N wipes his clothes as he gets up.
Y/N:sorry I don't accept letter from-
P:Leia Skywalker sent me with this letter...
He says filled with worry.
He takes the letter and reads it.
Poe can't help but look over the youngers shoulder.
My dearest Y/N,
You've grown so much since you were a young baby... I'm so proud of you...I don't blame you for not joining my forces's not too may be my only hope Y/ the courier of this letter to take you back to our base...and we can make things right...
Leia Skywalker
Y/N looks up at the taller man.
Y/N:n-no...I can't go...I'm not leaving!
P:it's what Leia would want...
Y/N:she wants me to get recruited alongside another Jedi to get myself killed!
P:so you'd rather stay at a musty bar than save the universe?
Y/N:If i followed the other Jedis footsteps I'd end up with my head rolling on the floor...
Y/N was silent.
Y/N:Leia...she's...really gone?
Poe slowly nods.
Y/N sighs.
Y/N:please...just take me to your base...
Suddenly the door bursts open and Y/N shoves Poe behind the bar.
Y/N:play along...
Y/N throws a robe over Poe's shoulders and they come back up.
Y/N:Hey boys...could I get you something...?
Y/N says cheerfully.
?:no thank you... we're actually looking for  Commander Poe Dameron... You seen him?
Poe's jaw dropped.
Y/N places his hand on Poe's jaw and closes his mouth.
Y/N:n-no...sorry me and my husband were just married last quarter...isnt that right love?
Y/N says nudging Poe.
P:u-uh Yeah! Hot stuff! I really liked it so I decided to put a ring on it...
He stares at the two.
?:You sure...your not Poe Dameron?
Y/N:i-if he was poe Dameron...why would i kiss and marry a resistence officer?
P:wait kiss-
Y/N wraps his arms around Poe's neck.
Y/N:have mercy on us...
The two lock lips for a few seconds before pulling away.
Poe turns Y/N so his back is against Poe's front.
He tries to wrap an arm under his arms but Y/N slaps his hand.
Y/N:Y-yeah...just can't get enough of your lips...
Another trooper comes in.
?:Sir! We've spotted a ship parked just south of here!
They look back at him.
Y/N:S-sorry...Im pregnant...he really can't handle the fact hes gonna be a daddy...isnt that right Poe?
He pinches Poe's arm.
Y/N whispered.
Y/N: get ahold of yourself...
The commander questioned around until...
? one's allowed in or out of here...until I find Poe...
Y/N gulps.
Y/N:can I get you gentlemen a drink?
?:search the place...
A few troopers go behind the bar.
Y/N:hey! Your not allowed back here!
?:Master Ren's orders.
Y/N huffs.
Poe looked outside to see them trying to break open his ship.
Suddenly the trooper holds out a small cylinder.
?:ah...the bartender was hiding a lightsaber...
Y/N:I don't know how that got there...
?:kill survivors...
Y/N's eyes widen and Poe whips out his blaster as Y/N brings a table down and they get behind it.
Blasters are going off everywhere and Y/N watches helplessly people he loved so dearly die.
Y/N jumps out.
P:wait where are you going?
Y/N charges at the trooper holding his lightsaber.
He send him into the wall with the force and unleashes his light saber.
Y/N glares at the troopers and slices them until theres hardly any shots left.
P:Y/N clear a way to my X-Wing...
Y/N nods as he cuts a hole into the wall and pushes it out with the force and they run for the ship.
There's men on chasers chasing them when one comes straight for them.
P:Y/N! Change course!
Y/N:trust me... wait for it....
The vehicle gets closer.
Y/N jumps in front of Poe and slices the vehicle in half.
He leads Y/N to his X-Wing where they start for Yavin 4.
P:you don't talk much...
Y/N:You don't know me much...
P:Touché... What do you like?
P:what kind of stuff?
P:what kind of things...?
Y/N:I like silence...
Poe scrunched up his nose and keeps his eyes forward.
Once they arrive Y/N wraps his revealing garments in a robe he found in the back of Poe's X-Wing.
Immediately a two people greet him.
?:Hello! Im finn! This is Rey...
R:Hello...i heard your...
Y/N:a Jedi...yeah...what's it to ya'
R:I just so happen to be a Jedi as well...
Y/N:Wanna saber fight?
Y/N says sarcastically leaving the woman stunned.
P:He's just a moody teen....
Y/N:I'm 27...
P:close enough...
Y/N:Okay...let's just get this over with...
R:what are you in a rush for?
Y/N:stepping away...that's what I'm in a rush to do...
F:you really can't go back once you've stepped in Yavin 4...
Y/N:well that's great...come on let's go...
Y/N sits down by a table with a holographic top.
P:alright I've gathered this meeting because...Kylo Ren has become stronger if we couldn't tell...
Y/N:no duh! His men wiped out half the bar...
P:We need to get on Naboo  and access a new machine they's called the time warp... I heard a trader has it off of shelves to avoid it getting taken...
Y/ i supposed to ask how?
P:great question! There's rumors of a merchant holding the machine in the back room...I hear they're cunning and we need to take them out if we have to...
Y/N:what do we need the device for?
P:another great question... we'll be saving the wise one...
P:Master Yoda... Hes one of the best Jedis that ever lived...we need him here to be able to bring together a new order...
Y/N:well what are we waiting for...let's go!
R:not so fast...we need to give you more Jedi training before you can start any mission...Padawan...
Y/N:I'm older than you!
R:that's what you think...
Y/N huffs and began training for a few hours.
Once he felt ready to take on the mission he and the rest of the group headed for the trading center.
The trading center was loud and lively with many citizens wandering around as Y/N scanned the crowd.
R:a good jedi uses the force to locate objects that aren't easily accessible...
Y/N closes their eyes and thinks about the machine.
He's being drawn to an innocent looking stand where a female Twi'lek and her older brother are selling candies.
F:are you sure?
Y/N nods and runs up to the stand.
?:Hello...would you like to buy some goods?
The girl asks.
Y/N:one time warping machine please...
Rey nudges Y/N's side and speaks up.
R:you must forgive my friend...he's a
?:why don't you try something from our fresh batch...we made it this morning...
They all examine it and decide on the treat they want.
D:Y/ time let me handle these affairs...I don't know why we trusted-
Y/N:my lightsaber is gone!
Y/N turned to see the siblings running towards the station.
The girl held Y/N's light saber as well as a bag with something tied to it.
Y/N and Rey glare at the siblings as Poe shouts at guards to stop them.
It's no use because one guard is sliced by the sister, while the brother is captured.
Y/N and Rey runs into the car after the girl while Poe thinks of something.
R:someone stop her!
She runs down the aisle until Rey and Y/N catch up.
She turns around with the lightsaber open to a young woman and her younglings neck.
Rey opens her lightsaber but Y/N says :
Y/N:stop...leave them out of this...I'll trade them for me...
The girl glares at the two just as the train goes to a stop.
She stumbles a bit but tosses the woman at Rey and Y/N just as the car door opens...
She's met with Poe holding a stun blaster and...
The girl is thrown backwards and Y/N snatches his lightsaber.
She sighs as she's taken away.
Y/N grabs the bag and searches it.
Inside is the time warp device which Poe takes.
Back in Yavin 4
Y/N sighs as they waited for Finn to help put the device together.
A man comes in holding a box with a cover in it.
Y/N:what's in there?
P:Kyber Crystals... they're used for jedi knights light sabers and-
Y/N:I know what a Kyber crystal is...why do they need it?
?:it holds energy that is needed to bend the force to our liking...
A blonde woman said.
Y/N nods and soon he has to get ready for bed.
Time Skip...
Y/N knew those Crystals held memories of the jedi order, and he couldn't help but sneak in after everyone was asleep.
The machine was aboard a ship similar to Poe's X-wing and had been stocked with supplies since they were planning on going the next day.
As Y/N tiptoed into the ship, he didnt notice someone behind him...
Y/N smiles at the gleaming Crystals in a tray as he ran his hands over them.
Suddenly his body is filled with anger and he feels pain.
Flashbacks begin...
A Kel dor jedi rides in his flyer leading the attack when he turns around and his troops blast his ship.
A female Twi'lek jedi turns to be shot down until she's no longer living.
A young togruta runs from what seems to be her master.
A cerean jedi master yells a war cry before attempting to lead his troops when suddenly he turns and they shoot him
?:there's too many of them...what will we do master Anakin?
A young padawan asks.
Suddenly the man hes seen before takes out his lightsaber. it...dont hurt them!
Y/N snaps out of it and tries to break the machine.
He slams it onto the ground and then begins to stomp on it.
Poe runs in.
P:Y/N! Stop this madness!
Y/N:You and everyone on this ship brought me here to be killed!
He said as Poe tried to pull him away from the machine.
Y/N:I felt it! I felt them! The cries of those younglings on order 66...the flaws of the jedi order! Not me...I'm no jedi...I cant be here!
Poe wraps his arms around the smaller and tries pulling him away when suddenly a bright light flashes and next thing they know,  their flyer is driving itself.
Y/N:oh no...
P:at least the machine works...
Y/N:well how do we get back?
Poe gulps as he takes the front seat.

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