Dead Man Walking[Part 24]-Daryl Dixon(TWD) X Male Reader

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Y/N yawned as he woke up in Daryl's arms.
Last thing he remembered from last night was the two of them stumbling right into bed feeling very erected.
Y/N realized he was just in a pair of sweats as he and Daryl talked about the events that happened yesterday.
Y/N:definitely not my most favorite day...
D:the only thing that matters is yer' here in mah arms...
Y/N smirks as he pulls Daryl closer, kissing him deeply.
He moaned as Daryl slid his hand over Y/N's ass and started kissing down his neck.
Y/N stopped him.
Y/N:allow me...
He left hungry kisses on Daryl's neck before kissing down his torso.
Soon the sound of Daryl's low moans and suction could be heard coming from the room.
Time Skip...
Y/N had gotten his outfit ready and headed out to go be with the kids.
As he walked he seen Sam just sitting on his front porch by himself.
Y/N:Hey sammie...
Sam just looked up to him.
Y/N:what's the matter buddy?
SM:Y/N...When Rick and my dad was like I seen my dad fighting himself...they both scare me...
Y/N sighs.
Y/N:Sammie...I want you to know I'd never let them hurt it?
Sam nods and suddenly his face goes pale.
P:come on sam! Let's go back to my house and we can play some board games or something...
Something in Pete's eyes didn't go over too well with Y/N.
SM:I-I don't want to...
He said looking to Y/N for help.
P:God dammit Sam! Let's go!
He reached to take Sam's hand by force but Y/N stepped in between him pulling Sam behind him.
Y/N:You listen to me and you listen good...stay the hell away from Jessie and Sam...and especially me or my family...
P:Oh and why should I be afraid of a little twink?
Y/N's eyes glared at the taller man.
He pulled out his knife and made Pete stand up against a wall.
Y/N:If you dare hurt him you'll get to see just what this little twink can do...
Pete's eyes remained unfazed.
Y/N:And everyone would think you tried to hurt me...
Pete's eyes widened in rage as he stormed away.
Sam gave Y/N a small smile.
SM:Th-Thank you Y/N...
Y/N smiled and Jessie came into view.
Y/N:Jessie I'm sorry I had to do that in front of Sam...
JS:no...its okay...its good that someone other than Rick can stand up to him...
Y/N turned to walk away and suddenly he remembered.
Y/N:and another thing Jessie...I'm having Beth,Danny,Mikah and Carl help bake cookies for the little ones tonight...mind if Sam and Ron join them?
Jessie smiled.
JS:I think it would be great...
Y/N turned away and to the daycare.
It had been a while since he had talked to Noelle...especially about Noah...and he hoped to make her feel better.
Time Skip...
Y/N sat with a few other Alexandrians and suddenly was being paged by Reg and Deanna.
RG:Y/N I just wanted to sincerely apologize on our behalf as leaders of Alexandria...we're sorry about the whole Irene situation...we hope you can forgive the both of us...
Y/N gave him a gentle smile and said,
Y/N:Theres no use in holding a grudge these days...I hope to be able to forget it and move forward...
Deanna and Y/N chatted a bit before they started talking.
DE:we're gonna start...
MG:Can we wait...theres still people comin'...
N:yeah like Glenn,Rick and-
DE:we're going to start...its already dark...we're going to talk about what happened...not the fight, not what precipitated it...we're going to talk about one of our constables... rick he had a pistol, and stole from the armory...and how he pointed it at people and about what he said... I was hoping he'd be here...
LI:she said they're coming...
Y/N:I'm sure he'll be here...and I'm certain we can work this all out...
He said giving a gentle smile.
MC:After being out there...and not being how you were out there it can drive you crazy...Rick just wants his family to live...he wants all of live...who he who you're gonna have to be...if your lucky...
He said nodding to Deanna.
Y/N:Rick Grimes saved my life...over and over...he isn't a bad man...there were and still are terrifying people out there...and he rescued me...people like us...need people like him...I know what happened last night was scary...and I'm sure he's sorry for that...I have something to confess about Pete Anderson...just before the fight, while I was getting checked up on...he groped me inappropriately...
Y/N said fighting back tears.
Y/N:I would never do anything to harm Jessie or her kids...I love them all to death...but that isn't that's why I think we should listen to what he's saying.
Deanna couldn't respond so Abraham spoke up.
AB:to put it simply...theres a vast ocean of shit that you people don't know shit about...Rick knows every fine grain of said shit.
Time Skip...
MG:my father respected Rick grimes. He's a father too...hes a man with a big heart, he knows the things he does...the things he has to do. And all of us, who were together before this matter what way we found each other we're family now. Rick started that. And you all want to stop shouldn't...this community, your people, that want to be apart of it too...
DE:Before we hear from anyone else..I'd like to say something in spirit of transparency... father gabriel came to see me the day before yesterday... and he said our new arrivals cant be trusted.
Y/N's breathing hitched as he and Lia exchange looks.
DE:he said they were dangerous...and would put themselves before this community...and not one day later...Rick seemed to demonstrate all the things father gabriel said.
Y/N shakes his head.
Y/N:Rick isn't dangerous...we aren't dangerous...would a dangerous person chase after someone who's holding toddlers hostage?!
DE:I just wanted to say, I had wished to see him here tonight...
Y/N:well none of us see him here...
JS:which means your just following what someone said...did you tape him?
MG:he's not here...
DE:and not Rick...
Y/N:who is still recovering from getting knocked out...
He said raising his eyebrow at Michonne who made a not so sorry look.
MG:If you'll please excuse me...
She says walking away.
?:look I just want to keep my family safe... I don't even know what that means anymore but if it means that we've got to fer rid of-
Suddenly Rick comes in with a corpse over his shoulder.
He tosses it in front of everyone and they all jump back in fear.
R:there wasn't a guard on the gate. It was open...
Deanna glares at Aiden.
AI:I asked Gabriel to close it...
R:I didn't bring it got inside...on it's own. They always will. The dead and the living, because we're in here...and the ones out there... they'll hunt us...and find us...and try to use us... and try to kill us...but we'll kill them...we'll survive! I'll show you all how...
Y/N smiles at Rick and Rick turns to Deanna.
R:Ya know I was thinking, how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives?
Everyone looked concerned and Rick added in.
R:But I'm not gonna do that...your gonna change. I'm not sorry for what I said last night, I'm sorry for not saying it sooner...your not ready...but you have to be. Right now. Luck runs out...
Just as he says that Jessie shakes her head at someone walking up to them.
?:your not one of us...
Y/N turns to see Pete angrily walking in with Michonne's katana.
R:Pete you don't wanna do this...
Y/N:Reg don't go near him!
Y/N says grabbing his arm.
But it's too late as Reg gets closer to him.
P:get the hell away from me!
R:Just stop!
P:Get away from me Reg!
DE:Reg! Get away from him
He says shoving Reg.
Just as he did the katana sliced Reg's throat making him gasp out as blood sprays out making Deanna and a bunch of other women scream.
Y/N's eyes widen as he quickly examines the wound.
Y/N:Reg...Deanna...I'm so sorry...
DE:My love! No...oh my love...
She says crying out as Y/N is trying to apply pressure to the wound to try his best to keep him alive.
Abraham and Liam held Pete down.
Deanna cried out and Y/N could see it in Reg's eyes.
Y/N:Dee...I'm so sorry...he's suffering...
He said handing her his gun. it...
She says handing him Y/N's gun.
Rick turns around and shoots Pete in the head.
Y/N sighs gently as he hugs Deanna close.
Y/N takes a knife from his pocket and puts it into her hands.
Y/N:he wouldn't want to suffer...
Deanna wipes her tears and...
Y/N suddenly seen Daryl standing in the entrance along with a few others and he hugs him.
Liam glares at Daryl and said,
LM:I kept him from getting hurt...wouldn't want the little one to be injured.
Y/N's eyes widened at Liam as he glared at him.
D:Y/N...are you pregnant?

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